Thursday, August 9, 2012

The importance of caring, Preserve Drinking Water

In the storm is when you know the good driver is increasingly being read, published, comments on the serious problems facing the planet Earth in relation to pollution of the water element, vital in our lives. Deeply concerned that the warnings about it and made about water shortages in many countries has not been taken seriously by governments, even by citizens who require this element to ensure life. . We are not surprised to read, which indicate that a major negative impact is already having on our daily lives unsustainable natural resource use and its consequences more devastating global warming is the difficulty of access to drinking water. The land contains approximately 1.4 million cubic kilometers of water, but about 97.4 per cent are locked in ice caps and glaciers. Available fresh water is reduced to 0.001 per cent. In Latin America and the Caribbean, increased water consumption between 1990 and 2000 by 45 percent, from 150 to 216 cubic kilometers per year. The pressing need to address the geometric progression of freshwater demand in Latin America and the Caribbean will be complicated further if, as indicated by current trends, let the resource base deteriorates to an increasing rate.

Definitely, no one can doubt the importance of water, perhaps the only indispensable for the development of life. The scarcity of fresh water worldwide is a dramatic problem of priority, as it represents a very limited percentage in relation to the total water on the planet: only 3 percent, of which less than 1 percent is accessible, since the rest is frozen in glaciers or deep underground, such as aquifers. The remaining 97 percent is salt water, not suitable for most human activities. Ricardo Natalichio gives us, that rivers, lakes and even oceans are huge victims of pollution to the point that in many cases the source of life have become hotbeds of disease transmission and muerte.Sin synonymous, however, modern life as it has been concocted still requires more and more natural resources to meet their consumption needs fictitious. We live in a "consumer society? and consumers from the Latin word "consumere? - means spending or destroy. That's what we are doing for the past centuries, wasting and destroying everything that the earth we ofrece.El volume and speed with which we spend and destroyed has grown exponentially to the point that we have already exceeded the planet's capacity to absorb our waste, then we face the worst possible juncture.

A long-apocalyptic scenario announced by scientists and environmentalists before our eyes and shorten time to react. Many changes in our lifestyle are necessary to stop or at least reduce the terrible impacts of climate change on planeta.Es very worrying when indicated, that in today's world there are eleven hundred million people lack access to drinking water and two thousand 600 million lack basic sanitation. The United Nations has recognized that these shortcomings have become very severe limitations for improvements in the quality of life and a powerful obstacle in the fight against poverty, disease and underdevelopment and, therefore, a great difficulty to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Supposed to meet radical changes in our relationship with water and how we use and therefore requires a collective effort very important.

Very worrying what Ernesto Guhl Nannetti provides that the dramatic situation in the? Africa, beset by thirst and water-borne diseases and to a lesser extent other parts of the world, can not be ignored, and the management of shared rivers by several countries is fertile ground for international conflicts caused by a resource increasingly in demand and lower quality. Stir in the loss of carrying capacity of ecosystems by human intervention on them aggressive and pollution. It comes thirsting world. To help ensure that this image becomes a reality, says that it has raised the need to generate and disseminate a new "water culture" that gives its symbolic and economic value as an indispensable element for life, welfare and development and promotes their conservation and careful use within an integrated view of resource management, which until now has been fragmented and partial This cultural change must be advanced through training and educational process covering the whole of society and do is a major challenge for governments. The rationalization of consumption, taking into account the priorities of the various uses, it is also a fundamental part of the new culture.

Must raise serious concerns, which the United Nations Organization (UN) today, the 6250 million, 1,100 million lack access to safe drinking water and 2,400 million lack adequate sanitation. The figures approximate values ​​involved in 40 percent of the population. The darkest pages of the report realize that five million people-mostly children-die each year from drinking contaminated water. The same report warns that unless this situation reversed in 2025, the deaths and illnesses caused by the scarcity and water pollution could acquire tragic dimensions. We add the Latin American continent is the greatest injustice in the use and access to water, according to a work of Maude Barlow, Canadian activist and a world leader in the field. Although it is the region with the highest volume of fresh water per capita, with 20 percent of the world, 80 million people lack access to vital liquid in Latin America. In the same study reports that while Latin American consumes an average of 20 liters per day, an Italian 213 reaches an American can exceed 600 liters per day.

Barlow offers another example: Canada has a tenth of the surface freshwater on the planet, but less than 1 percent of the population. Definitely Around 1,000 billion people currently lack safe drinking water, and 2,500 million lack access to sanitation. The experts note that women and girls are most affected by the water crisis, as are those who carry more domestic responsibilities such as cleaning, cooking, collecting water and caring for children and the sick. These tasks are exposed to many risks, such as contamination by water-related diseases and violence in conflict zones, and often prevent them from going to school or have a job. According to the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), women and girls in developing countries walk an average of six miles a day to move 20 liters of water

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