Monday, July 30, 2012

And Boundaries Research Services to provide your auto insurance

When you have knowledge of such information may take better advantage of their investment.

According to Hector Rode, Executive Vice President of Products and Marketing of AXA Insurance, "the person who hires an insurance policy has to know what this product offers and how it protects the time of an accident, this is vital for proper operation of the same. "

In an auto insurance policy will have tangible benefits that can be applied at any time and have to do with the real needs of customers with innovative proposals.

For example, the insurer Axa, the majority of their car insurance policies cover damage and provide the amount of it, however, excludes any type of accident caused by intoxicated in the driver.

Regularly exclusions in auto insurance policies are handled and coverage must be stipulated in the contracts, according to the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) and the Condusef.

Policy does not cover damage 1.La when the driver has no driver's license or permit at the time of the accident.

2.No will cover damage caused by natural disasters.

3.When the vehicle does not have the characteristics that indicate the policy, such as serial number, motor and plates, it is not covered.

4.When you provide false information on the recruitment of its insurance policy may be invalid when you have an accident.

5.No covered in broken side mirrors, skulls, crystals than the original manufacturer.

Approximately 22 million cars circulating in the country and it is estimated that 50% are uninsured.

It is believed that of all people who have contracted the service of auto insurance only half know in detail the services we provide insurance and what are the exclusions. For this reason you should read before signing.

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