Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Virtual Education: A Choice Of Overcoming

Much has been said about the effectiveness of technology in teaching, especially when it comes to being a virtual student. Some believe that the pattern of face to face is the most functional, however, there are those who see the future of online education academic training at a distance.

If your dream is to perform a study at a prestigious university, but you do not have the financial resources to pay for your stay in the country of the institution, your best option is, in short, virtual education.

According to UNESCO (1998), virtual education is defined as "learning environments that make up a whole new way, in relation to educational technology ... a computer program - interactive educational character that has an integrated communication skills. They are an innovation relatively recent product of the convergence of computer and telecommunication technologies has intensified over the past ten years. "

Distance education is an educational method in which students do not need to physically attend any classroom. Normally, the student is sent by mail the study materials (texts, videos, audio tapes, CD-Rom) and it returns the exercises solved. Today, it is also used email and other Internet facilities, such as blogs, virtual classrooms primarily as the LMS Moodle (Online Education). Developed learning new communication technologies is called e-learning. In some cases, students should or can go physically at certain times to receive tutoring, or for further tests. Virtual education is advancing by leaps and bounds. You not only offer courses, specializations, postgraduate (masters, doctorates, etc.). But now found home runs in this mode.

This type of study is used by thousands of students from remote areas who otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue a career. It allows us, through a PC with internet connection (that of our home, office, internet cafe, etc.), Access to courses, homework, tests, communicate with our colleagues and mentors, download the material from the different materials without having to physically attend the university and especially if you are of those who need or prefer flexible schedules, avoiding transport you from one place to another and learn at your own pace, your time managing it as you appropriate, this is the way to study. This flexibility is often limited hours in certain courses that require participation online at specific times or places.

For a virtual student, the absence of a classroom, colleagues and board is not an obstacle to communication: written communication is strong and is comfortable to express themselves. It is also capable of self-motivated and self-discipline, it does not need someone who continually criticize or praise to proceed, you must be responsible and have a serious commitment to their hunger for knowledge. The effort is not less than classroom education: it takes a lot of concentration because, not being in the classroom, the distractions are many, from coffee to television, from a pet to the temptation to surf freely on the Internet.

On the other hand, the virtual tutor is a facilitator, not an authoritarian teacher. No watches, but guide. For this reason, reflection is an essential part of the learning process. The virtual student success depends simply align your study style and personality with the demands of the curriculum.

The programs can be offered through the network are:

• Adult High School

• Bachelor

• English Courses

• Computer training

• Seminars

• Mock test ICFES

The main advantages of this type of learning are many: first of all, not having to leave home and have the opportunity to study in a wide range of institutions around the world that offer this service. In addition, it improves the educational and professional qualifications of the adult population. Another advantage is the flexibility of the system also facilitates the organization of the student's personal time, respecting the family and his job with flexible hours without the need to have a rigid class schedule. Being a virtual student is also much less expensive to be face: to study abroad means living expenses, food, etc.., Costs not be covered in a virtual program.

Its disadvantages relate to the distrust generated by the lack of communication between the teacher and students, especially in the learning process and academic assessment of students. On the other hand, active intervention is required of the guardian to avoid the potential isolation that can perceive the student studying in this mode, was eliminated in the presence of social interaction.

Generally the change to a distance education system requires a specific adaptation to students, must learn to use specific materials and virtual classrooms, to communicate with their teachers and other students through media and must be able organize their study time to balance their personal, professional and academic. Thus the teacher's work as a tutor that accompanies the learning process is essential.

Besides these there are other specific disadvantages inherent nature of the various fields. That is the case of language classes, where despite having seen a remarkable technological evolution has made it a more effective teaching and engaging to the student, is still far to transmit all the nonverbal information that surrounds the act speaking and forms an indispensable part of it.

Here I share a list of the main institutions that provide the services of this type of education in some Latin American countries:


• Military Technical Academy of the Army of Chile

• Catholic University of Chile

• Catholic University of Valparaíso

• Catholic University of North

• University of Antofagasta

• University of Chile

• Universidad de la Frontera

• University of Playa Ancha

• Valparaiso University

• University of Bío-Bío



• Distance Learning Center of Colombia CECADI

• Virtual School XXI Century

• Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

• Autonomous University of Bucaramanga

• Autonomous University of Manizales

• Catholic University of Manizales

• Universidad del Valle

• University of Tolima

• University EAFIT

• New Granada Military University

• National Open University and Distance UNAD

• Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

• St. Bonaventure University

• University of Santander


• Distance Learning Center of Costa Rica CECADI


• Universidad Interamericana de Costa Rica

• University of Science and Technology

• University for International Cooperation


• Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment CITMATEL

• University of Havana

• University East


• Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

• Army Polytechnic School

• Catholic University of Ecuador Ambato Headquarters

• University of San Francisco de Quito

• Technical University of Loja


• Technological University of El Salvador


• Medicom Ciberteca

• Open Learning Institute ISEA

• Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

• Universidad Rafael Landivar


• Central University of Technology UNITEC

In conclusion, I say that this type of study is not for those who do not have technological skills because the best partner for its realization is the computer. Nor is it for those that are not considered able to commit much of their time to their studies, or for students who require the supervision of a teacher to fulfill their responsibilities.

So if you want to advance some of your college and have no resources or time to do it, try to distance education.

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