Friday, July 13, 2012

Exercise to lose weight - 10 Easy Exercises To Do At Home

First of all we must be clear on something, which really will not lose weight jogging an hour, or be the same time on a treadmill, forget it. No doubt the cardio will help your well-being and health of your heart, never cease to be important, but what will really lose weight and look good is to build muscle.

Here I bring you 10 exercises for weight loss can make them at home, if you do well at appropriate intervals (3 times per week) get to see changes in your body in no time.

Before starting it is important to know something, do all the exercises here are not isolated, moving various parts of your body to maximize the way your body works.

1. PlanchasPuede lizards or seem strange that this simple movement is one of the most recommended in this article. The classic board trains the upper body: chest, shoulders, triceps, abdominals and lower body part, lower back and buttocks. Why burn fat? The more muscles you work, will build more muscle. And muscle burns calories.

How? Lizards or plates are normal: legs straight, hands under shoulders. Keep your body rigid, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. Then push back until your arms are extended.


2. Squat with your body weight

Exercises for legs work múculos hundred at a time, and most importantly, the muscles that work are quite large (meaning that consuming lots of calories) as the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. The sentillas are the most effective exercise to build muscle and burn fat.

How? Stand with your hands behind your head, chest out, elbows and back. Sit on your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as possible without losing the natural arch of the spine. Squeeze your buttock muscles and force it back to the starting position.


3. Dominated or PullupsEste is the best move for your upper body as it works most of the muscles of your body, latissimus dorsi, biceps. I know it can be difficult, but as your body takes the form will become easier. If you can not at all try to help to raise and lower slowly without assistance. This is one of the most comprehensive weight loss exercises you can find.

How? Start from holding you down completely with palms facing out. Hale until your chin is above the bar and back down again slowly to be sustained.


4. Step arribaLas people who will spend hours in the gym a climber, well, you can get a better workout with the step above. How? Place one foot on a bench and push down through your heel to lift your other leg. Return to starting position and finish all reps with it. Then switch legs and repeat.

5. PlankEste exercise is essential if you want to strengthen the core of your body and also work your abs. Do this for 30 seconds about 5 times.

How? Suppose you make a lizard, is the same position, with your elbows under your shoulders. Keep your shoulders back and down and abs tight. Hold for 30 seconds, pause, and repeat.

6. Dead weight on one leg

The exercises on one leg, imitating movements, muscle patterns and challenges of real life. This means that they are safe exercises to lose weight and put prubea functional balance.

This exercise strengthens the hamstrings and build flexibility.


Stand with feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift one foot and extend it behind you, along the ground. Contract your glutes, strengthen your abs and keep your spine naturally arched. Focus on balance and falls until your torso is parallel to the ground. Initiate the movement by pushing your hips back. Push up to starting position.


7. Next to the paredNo fooled by this simple exercise: if done properly, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and in constant contact with the wall is a back exercise that challenges your central nervous system to burn extra calories.


Stand with your back against a wall and feet 15 inches away from the wall. Put your hands above your head. Keeping your shoulders, elbows and wrists in contact with the wall, slide your arms down the wall, placing his elbows on the sides. Return to starting position.


8. Iron lizard or lizard T This version includes rotation and stabilize your core, both with the goal of sculpting your abs.


With your hands shoulder width on the ground, make a plate or lizard. When the arms are straight, raise your right hand and turn to lift the right arm up over your shoulder and your body forms a T. Place the hand back to the ground. Make another plate, working the left side.


9. Position V This movement gives you a full extension of the exercises to lose weight in one of the most complicated areas of your body. Typical abdominal work less well. Variations like this, reduce stress on your back and use more muscles.

How? Lie on your back with your legs straight. Keep your arms straight above your chest, fingers pointing toward the wall behind you. Contracting your abs, bend your body up, lifting the legs off the floor and stretch your arms out to fish. Keep your back straight. Pause, then return to starting position.


10. Shoulder Press with lizards or plates.

Many exercises are reduced to one thing: heavy lifting over your head. But sometimes you do not need weights to get the same benefit, your own body weight gives you a good resistance. Using a bench (or chair) this variation to the plate will give results similar to the normal shoulder press gyms.


Place your feet on a bench and hands on the floor slightly wider at the shoulders. With your hips into the air with a vertical angle as you can, head down to the ground. Pause, and push your shoulders and triceps back to the starting position.


Need more exercise?

All this I found a website that guides you step by step, all these exercises and more at: FAT FREE.

DOWNLOAD THE GU? A WORKOUT HERE? Do not wait, the answer to all your questions and all the exercises to lose weight just a click away.

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