Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Enigam Of The Sphinx
the flaming sword Cherub
The apocryphal Book of Enoch says that there were angels who consented to fall from the heavens to have contact with the daughters of the earth. "For in those days the sons of men had multiplied, naciéndoles daughters of great beauty. And when the angels, or sons of heaven, the Fri-rum, filled with desires, then said, 'Come, let us choose wives between the race of man, and beget children. 'His boss, Samyasa, then re-sponded, saying,' Maybe you lack the courage to enforce this decision, and then I only have to answer for your downfall. 'But they swore that in no way would repent and would carry out fully its purpose. were 200 who descended on Mount Armon, and was since then that this elevation received his appointment, which means Mount of the Oath.
Thereafter follow the names of those angels chiefs descended with this object: Samyasa, supreme commander, Urakabarameel, Azibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Sa-rakuyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Sansaveel, Ertrael, Tu-rel, and Arazial Jomiael. They took wives with whom they had contact, and also taught Magic, the art of enchantment and the diverse properties of roots and trees. Amazarac instructed on all the secrets of sorcerers; Barkaial who was master of the stars stud-ies; Akibeel revealed the signs, and Azaradel taught the movements of the moon. "
This legend of Enoch Kabbalistic Book is a story very different from the profanation of the Mysteries we find another form sym-bolic in the history of Adam's sin. Those angels, the children of God, Enoch speaks of those who were initiated into the Magic, and the community to outsiders nicaron, using unsuspecting women as instruments. Cleft Rock sensual appeal, fell in love sex were coaxed them unawares femeninoy secrets of royalty and the priesthood. The primitive civilization collapsed as a result, the giant, a symbol of brute force and indomitable appetite, fought together for the world, which only escaped by diving into the waters of luvia God, symbolized the universal confusion that was brought necessarily humanity to ignore and undermine the harmony of nature. There is affinity between the fall of Samyasa and Adam, seduced both lust, both defiled the Tree of Knowledge, and both were removed from the Tree of Life. We need not discuss here the views, or rather the simplicity of those who faced everything literally and believe that knowledge and life once manifestáronse form of trees, rather only recognize the deep significance of sacred symbols.
When you eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge actually inflicts death, that fruit is the adornment of this world are the golden apples of the earth glow. In the Arsenal Library is a curious manuscript entitled
The Book of the Penitence of Adam, where the Kabbalistic tradition are presented under the guise of the legendary tenor: "Adam had two sons: Cain, which means brute force, and Abel, the kind of intelligence and gentleness. It was impossible Concord; killed each other, and his inheritance passed to a third son named Seth. " Here is the conflict of two opposing forces diverted for the benefit of a synthetic and united force. "Now, Seth, which was right, was allowed to come to the entrance of the Garden of Eden, without being threatened the flaming sword Cherub." In other words, Seth represented the initiation pristine.
"Thus it happened that Seth was the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, so that partners were one tree," which means the harmony of science and religion Kabbalah transcendentalism. "And the angel gave him three seeds containing the vital power of the tree." This refers to the cabalistic triad.
"When Adam died, Seth, obeying the directives of the angel, put the three-mile at the mouth of his father, as a pledge of eternal life. The bro-ing those born became the Burning Bush, amid the God told Moses that his name Eternal, 'which means the One Who is and is to come. Moses pulled a tri-ple branch of the sacred bush and his staff used it as miraculous. Although the root-stop, the race continued live and flourish, and then was pre-served in the ark. King David planted the branch on Mount Zion, and Solomon took each piece of wood from the trunk to make triple the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which were located on the entrance to the temple. They were covered with bronze, and the third part was inserted into the threshold of the door. It was a talisman that kept penetrating filthy things.
But certain wicked Levites removed during the night this obstacle to their freedom wicked and full of stones, thrown to the bottom of the water tank of the temple. Thereafter an angel of God stirred the waters of the pond, giving them miraculous value, so that thereby men are distracted and do not seek the tree of Solomon in the background. At the time of Jesus the pond was cleaned and the Jews, finding the trunk, that his eyes seemed Inu-til he was taken out of the city and crossed over the River Cedron. Our Savior went through the bridge after being arrested at night in the Garden of Olives. His executioners threw away the water, then in his haste to prepare the main instrument of His passion, they took the trunk, which was three types of wood, and it forms the cross-ron. "
This allegory encompasses all the great traditions of the Kabbalah and secret Christian doctrine of St. John, now completely unknown. Seth also said to Moses, David, Solomon and Christ Kabbalistic Tree obtained from the same royal scepters and staffs his papacy. In this way we can understand why Christ was adored by the Magi on their pe-Sebro. However, recourse to the Book of Enoch, because it can be attributed to higher authority buírsele an unknown manuscript: the first is quoted in the New Testament the Apostle Judas.
Tradition has it the invention of letters to Enoch, and it is therefore de-Bemos who roll back the doctrines contained in the Sepher Yetzirah, which is the basic work of Kabbalah, whose compiler-according to the Rabbis, was the patriarch Abraham, heir to the secrets of Enoch and the father of the initiation of Israel. Thus, Enoch seems identical to the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus as the famous Book of Thoth, written in full in glyphs and numbers Jerome, the Bible would be hidden before the book of Moses and full of mysteries, which started with William Postel refers so often in all his works titled Genesis of Enoch. The Bible says that Enoch did not die and that God took him from one life to another. Must return to confuse the Antichrist at the end of the times after, then be one of the last martyrs, or witnesses to the truth, mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John. He said about Enoch in this regard was also expressed on all the major initiators re-istered in the full.
The same San Juan, according to the first Christians mitivos, was saved from death, and has long been taught that it was possible to see him breathing in his grave. The explanation is that the absolute science of preserving life against death, as always induce guess the instinct of the people. Be that as it may, the evidence of Enoch are contained in two books, one and the other allegorical hieroglyph. The first covers the key initiation hieratic, the second is the history of a desecration that caused the destruction of the world and the realm of chaos after the giants. St. Methodius, bishop of the early Christian era, whose writings are in the collection of the Fathers of the Church, made a prophetic calipsis Apo-history of the world develops into a series of visions.
Not included among the writings of the saint recognized, but it preserved the Gnostics and was printed in the Liber Mirabilis under the assumption behalf Bermechobus that ignorant editors substituted in place of Bea-Methodius, abbreviation of Beatus Methodius. In many aspects this book corresponds with the allegorical treatise entitled-do Penance of Adam. Seth tells how he emigrated to the East with his family and came to a mountain in the vicinity of the Garden of Eden. This was the country of the initiates, while the posterity of Cain invented a spurious magic or base in India, land of fratricide, and bru-Jeri put in the hands of the bold. St. Methodius predicts, in a later passage, the struggles and successive prodominio the Ishmaelites (name given in the Apocalypse to beat the Romans) of the Franks, who defeated the Ishmaelite: and then, a race of the North whose invasion precede the personal kingdom of the Antichrist. Thereafter shall be founded a universal kingdom will fall to a French prince, after which there will be the reign of justice for a long period of years. Here we are not interested in prophecy, but it is desirable to note the difference between good magic and bad magic, between the Sanctuary of the Children of Seth and desecration of science by the descendants of Cain.
In fact, transcendental knowl-edge is reserved for those who control their passions, and unspoiled nature does not give the keys to her bridal chamber adulterers. There are two types: free and slave, the man born in slavery of his passions but emancipation can be achieved through intelligence. Among those who are now free and those who still are not equal there is no po-sible. The role of reason is to rule, and the instinct of obedience Decero. On the other hand, if one imposes the blind lead the office of another-blind, both shall fall into the abyss. We must never forget that freedom is not license the passion emancipated from the law, because that license will manifest itself as the most horrible tyranny, the release is voluntary obedience to the law, the right thing is to fulfill one's duty and only the righteous can be called free. However, the rule should free the slaves, and they are called to be li-berados, not the government but free from the yoke of the passions, and as a result can not exist without masters.
Now recognize for a moment, the truth of the transcendental sciences. Suppose that there really is a force that can be mastered and which the miracles of nature are subject to the will of man. Say, if so, if the secrets of the richness and the bonds of sympathy may be left to the brutal greed, if the art of fascination may be entrusted to the libertines, if the supreme primacy over other wills may be entrusted to who fail NAR governance self. It is terrible to think about the disorders that can occur in such a desecration, it is necessary to erase any cataclysm crimes as all the land is saturated with mud and blood. Now this is the state of things indicated by the allegorical story of the fall of the angels, according to The Book of Enoch, this was the sin of Adam and these are its fatal consequences. The same happened with the Flood and destruction, and in a later period, the curse of Canaan.
The revelation of the occult is characterized by INSOL-tion of the son who exhibits the nakedness of his father. The drunkenness of Noah is a lesson for the priesthood of all time. Woe to those who bare the secret of divine generation unclean in the sight of the crowd! Keep closed the sanctuary, who wish to save your father slept the mockery of the imitators of Cam!
Such is the tradition of the sons of Seth respect to the laws of the human hierarchy, but Cain's family recognized them. The TAS caini-India invented the Genesis to consecrate the oppression of the strong and perpetuate the ignorance of the weak. The initiation became the exclusive privilege of high caste, and whole races of mankind were doomed to endless servitude under the guise of lower birth: left, as stated, feet or knees of Brahma. But Nature does not breed slaves and kings, all men are born with no differences, to work.
Pretend that the man who is perfect at birth, and degrades and corrupts the society is the wildest of the anarchists, even if the most poetic of the maniacs. But in vain John James was a sentimentalist and a dreamer: his deep misanthropy implied, to manifest through the logic of his fanatical followers, bore fruit of hatred and destruction. The architects imagined Utopia coherent by susceptible philosopher of Geneva were Robespierre and Marat. Society is not an abstract personality that can separate liability due to the stubbornness of man, society is an association of men, is flawed because of their vices and sublime about their virtues, but in itself is holy such as religion with which it is inseparably linked.
In fact, why religion is not an association generosísimos highest aspirations and efforts? Thus, the blasphemy of antisocial equality and the right as opposed to having to respond to the lie about the privileged classes by the Na-TURE, only Christianity solved the problem by assign-ing the supreme sacrifice and to proclaim a maximum who proudly offering its towards society and their appetites by law. Although bearers of the tradition of Seth, the Jews did not pre-serve in all its purity, and were infected with the ambitions unfair posterity of Cain.
Considering the chosen people, God judged the truth had been assigned as an asset rather than a confident assurance to humanity in general. Along with the sublime traditions of the Sepher Yetzirah are very curious revelations among the Talmudists. For example, do not hesitate to attribute the left-latria of the Gentiles to the patriarch Abraham, they say he bequeathed his inheritance to the Israelites, namely, knowledge of the true Divine Nom-men, in short, the Kabbalah was legitimate property heredi-tary of Isaac, but the patriarch, as we are told, gave some presents to the children of his concubines, and by these present dogmas veiled understand cryptic names that quickly materialized, mándose transformed into idols. False religions and their absurd mysteries, oriental superstition, with all its horrible sacrifices ...
What a gift from a father to his family destitute, is not it enough to carry your child Hagar in the desert? Does your loaf and pot with water should be added the burden of the fallacy, as poison torture and exile? The glory of Christianity is that summoned all men to the truth, without distinction of race or caste, but not without distinguish-ing on intelligence and virtue. "Cast not your pearls before swine," said the Divine Founder of Christianity, "lest their steps again and rend you and trample." The Revelation of St. John, which covers all kabbalistic secrets concerning the doctrine of Jesus Christ, is a book no less dark than the Zohar. It is written language of hieroglyphs with numbers and images, and the Apostle often appeals to the knowledge of the initiates. "Whoever has knowledge, understanding ... who understands, count," he says often, after an allegory or to pronounce a mystical number. St. John, the beloved dis-ciples and repository of all the secrets of the Savior, he wrote, therefore, that he understood the crowd.
The Sepher Yetzirah, the Zohar and the Apocalypse are the masterpieces of Occultism; contain more meanings than words, his ex-pression method is figurative as poetry and exact as numerical formulas rich. The Apocalypse sums up, complete and exceeds all the science of Abraham and Solomon, as we will show to explain the transcendent Kabbalah Keys. No less amazing to see the beginning of the Zohar the depth of his ideas and the sublime simplicity of his images. Reads as follows: "The Science of Balance is the key to all hidden science-ta. Unbalanced forces perish in the void. Thus passed the pristine world of kings, princes of the giants. They fell like trees without roots, and tomb no longer exists.
Through the conflict of unbalanced forces, devastated the land was empty and amorphous-ta have the Spirit of God fashioned for himself a place in heaven, and reduced the mass of water. All the aspirations of Nature dirigiéronse then towards the unity of form, into the living synthesis of balanced forces, the face of God, crowned with light, emerged on the vast sea and is reflected in its waters. Demonstrated both eyes, radiant splendor, sending two beams of light that passed with the reflection. The front of God and His eyes formed a triangle in the sky and its reflection formed a second triangle in the water. This was re-watched the number six, which is the universal creation. "The text is unintelligible in a literal, translates here as an interpretation. The author explains that the human form which gives the Deity is only a image of its meaning and that God transcends the expression of human thought or representation by any FIG. Pascal said that God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. But how to imagine a circle apart from its circumference?
The Zohar adopts the antithesis of this paradoxical image and about the circle of Pascal rather say that the circumference is everywhere and the center nowhere. However, for com-universal equilibrium of things with a balance and not a circle. It states that the balance is everywhere and so is the central point where the balance hangs in suspension. So brim discovered that the Zohar is stronger and deeper than Pascal. The author continues as follows his dream sublime: The synthesis of the word, made by the human figure, and you rose lentamen-emerged from the water, like the sun coming out. Appearing eyes, became the great symbol of the Zohar Kabbalistic light, to manifest his mouth, came the creation of spirits and said the word. By revealing the entire head, completed the first day of creation. Came the shoulders, arms and chest-ces chants began work. With one hand, the Divine Image drove back the sea, while the other raised the continents and mountains. The picture grew more and more, came the generative organ, and all beings began to grow and multiply.
The way he stood in all its height, with one foot on the ground and another on the water. Contemplates is entirely in the ocean of creation, breathed on his own reflection and called his likeness to life. He said: "Let us make man," and so man was made. Nothing is so beautiful in any poet's masterpiece as this vision of creation by the prototype of humanity. The man is only the shadow of a shadow, em-but it is the image of divine power. You can also extend their ma-us from East to West, received the land as a domain. This is Adam Kadmon, the primordial Adam Kabbalists. Such is the sense that it is des-crypto as a giant, and that is why Swedenborg, besieged in their dreams-dren by reminiscences of the Cabala, says that the whole creation is only a titanic man we are made in the image of the universe . The Zohar is a genesis of light, the Sepher Yetzirah is a ladder of truth. They are exposed to the thirty-two absolutes of language symbols that are numbers and letters. Each letter produces a number, an idea and a form, so that mathematics is applicable to the forms and ideas, even for numbers, by exact proportion and perfect correspondence.
Through science-pher Yetzirah is the human mind is rooted in truth and reason, explains all the progress possible for the intelligence through the evolution of the numbers. Thus the Zohar represents absolute truth, while the Sepher Yetzirah provides the method of acquisition, insight and application.
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