Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beliefs - how work on us?

We all have hundreds of beliefs. Beliefs make us act and perceive things a certain way, in our lives, our relationships and our business.

Beliefs are assignments of meaning or because we are used to organize perception and explain events of the past, present or future design. Its function is to give meaning to our actions, enable us to implement certain skills and behaviors.

You and I act according to our internal belief system, and not according to what you consciously want.

Many of the beliefs that we operate at an unconscious level. And the general rule is that we can control the conscious, unconscious controls us.

We all have our beliefs expressed through concepts, principles, ideas or thoughts that are linked together as clusters. These connections create bonds that last through time, and often not very consistent, nor logical, but they are categorical and are connected in a circuit of influence and mutually reinforcing, in the form of generalizations. Relate to our experiences, which we attribute causes and meanings.

The distinction more valuable than we do about our beliefs, is in the range of how these affect us. A belief may be empowering, or can be limiting.

A boost us and others that limit us, give us the first and second to remove us.

Limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs prevent us from making an objective analysis of reality. We difficult to collect accurate data on the cases in which the limiting belief has matured, we prefer to lead us to be guided by prejudice or disappointments. Limiting beliefs hinder the development of an objective analysis of reality, stop us and make the initiative to maintain a passive attitude to the events to be considered unchangeable, or to accept passively what happens to us, because we can not oppose the destination. Limiting beliefs involving the person, others, or context, and are accompanied and reinforced by our logical thinking errors.

Limiting beliefs, sometimes can be easily recognized by a speech full of self-downs: "I can not, I'm no good, do not deserve it, I can not know, I can not" and they use false reasoning. An example of faulty reasoning starts with a premise like "if nobody loves me then it means that I am worth, I do not deserve, I am unworthy." Find a particular fact: "Andrew does not like me" to conclude with this generalization: "I'm no good, do not deserve, I am not worthy to receive love."

A limiting belief causes a reduction efforts, and failures that occur in the few attempts made, are evidence that confirms the negative belief startup. It is a well known phenomenon, that of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Once a belief is accepted as true acts automatically, reinforcing itself. Selective perception becomes, of all possible data tends to collect consistent with the belief and to ignore those who do not fit.

Behaviors and abilities that are not activated are precisely those which could lead to contradict the belief.

If I do not think I can learn to dance with fluidity, will tend to remember the bad times when I danced, I will turn to other people like dancing in a mediocre, or I will turn to examples of professional short-term unattainable perfection, and if eventually you would attempt such an attitude of rigidity and insecurity would increase the likelihood of stepping on a lot of my partner.

Limiting beliefs prevent us from developing and also inhibit certain capabilities to perform certain behaviors.

Beliefs enhancer

Enhancer beliefs encompass positive suggestions. Grant permissions, motivations, impulses and incentives. Help us gain a greater awareness of their own potential, through improved concept of self-efficacy, with which it manages to combine reason with passion, rational aspects of our affective personality.

Enhancer beliefs are fueled by emotional intelligence, which in turn, as in a circle, promotes cognitive development and can challenge the accuracy of automatic behavior. A solid emotional foundation requires us to accept our limits and at the same time, we are encouraged to find in us the courage to take further action.

Enhancer beliefs make us see that any defects can fit into a value, a virtue, and lead us to adopt certain attitudes increasingly consistent with the image we have of us. Feed a subjective search process, a process that is within a continuum that seeks a balance between awareness of our limitations and the desire to challenge them. A process from the constraints of the past, our learning and the opportunities it offers us the future.

Enhancer or evolutionary beliefs are often attributed to our identity and may involve aspects of being, which are spoken in phrases like "I'm worth, I deserve, I can, I belong" and also aspects of the competencies, skills, knowledge and verbalized commitment in phrases like "I can", "I do", "I know very well," "I want to do my best" can also refer to aspects of behavior that are spoken in sentences like this: "I When I commit, I meet him, "" I respect those who disagree with me. "

Working with beliefs is of fundamental importance because of the weight they have beliefs to facilitate or hinder personal change, through its power to the inhibition or activation of skills, behaviors and reactions. (See blog article on the logic levels)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers several techniques for changing beliefs. These techniques are based on the metamodel of the language, working with mental representations (submodalities) and the use of metaphors.

If you want to learn more about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you can find interesting articles on our blog.

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