Thursday, July 12, 2012

Coaching as a style of management - Part I

"Any organizational change begins with personal change." In 2008 an outstanding group of teachers and entrepreneurs gathered at the Half Moon Bay, California, with the concern of anticipating and understanding the construction of a new model of Management. The general opinion of the participants agreed that the traditional model for managing organizations was obsolete and in crisis in this search for new alternatives, our intention is to bring you some basic principles with which you can begin to reinvent his style of leadership. 1. The performance of your employees or equipment also depends on your relationship with them. Each of us exists and manifests itself in a web of links and expectativas.Imagine the following: a group of students divided into two, high-potential students (AP) on one side and on the other hand, the low potential (BP ), and teachers who are easily identified by these groups. What do you think will happen? Quickly labeled AP obtained outstanding results and increasing BP failures. What teachers know is that there is no such classification, potential students were randomly equivalent. This is a real experience and is called Pygmalion effect.

In recent decades there have been hundreds of experiments of this type (Jussim, 1986, see Rosenthal and Rubin 1978). What this experience shows is that human beings are permeable to the projections of others both in terms of performance as autoestima.Imagine then the effects in their industry, on one hand the high-potential employees and the other ones you may already know, or believe, have low potential. What is the relationship it establishes with each other? What are the consequences of this in the performance of the people? Of course there is also a combination of variables so that the expectation is realized, ie treatment consistent with expectations. Peter Senge in his book "The Fifth Discipline" explains a systems archetype called "who is successful Success," which shows that some employees may be promoted more easily than others. See if this sounds familiar. A manager has two candidates, for some reason the expectations of one of the two begin to fall and the other receives preferential treatment, while this affects the self-assessment of both employees. The relationship changes and resources begin to be higher for the favorite.

A more successful more support. Conclusion: someone at a disadvantage and without resources, your boss has staked everything on their preferred candidate, who ultimately did well, doing better.

I remember a lecture by Jim Selman, an American coach who laid the foundations of coaching training in Argentina, asked as he addressed the audience: Where do you think is the possibility that the Cochea (person receiving coaching) is it, referring to their potential, immediately replied: - In the eyes of Coach. Then to my amazement by the convergence of the theories, I found that Lacan, one of the most influential psychoanalysts after Freud, said something similar in their development on the mirror stage, that we can understand and experience our wholeness from the image We integrated the others returned to us. 2. Trust vs.. People do not control just does not like being controlled, but also that the control is no longer effective. The emotions predispose to actions, depending on the emotionality why we are being crossed, there are behaviors that are possible and others not. The control is based on the emotionality of the fear that restricts creativity, innovation and learning, people stop taking risks and facing challenges to go unnoticed and abide by the status quo. But the jobs have changed over time, today there is no simple task that this is where you do not have to be taken once a decision or face a challenge.

When that happens you can not always be there, is you should not be there. The leader's role is more akin to a conversational character operational again in another article on this point. On the other hand though it may be hard to admit, most of the time the employees know more of his work that his own boss. So what roads can be opened to what is necessary is done? a) Create a context for action. The new systems require regulation to emerge different emotional competencies required of new job profiles, we speak of independent people who can respond quickly to changes, proactive, able to reach challenging goals and openness to learning. The emotionality that enables this type of behavior is trust. b) The manager no longer in control coach focuses on actions and processes to manage results. 3. The skills shortage in employees or equipment are an indicator of management. How many of us have seen year after year in performance reviews, there are employees who get low scores consistently immense opportunities for improvement or to put it positively, such cases are resolved by dismissal or job rotation.

Another point of view that allows you to design actions to improve results is that: one of the indicators of competence as a leader, is directly related to the development and team learning. The manager coach bet the potential of each employee, competent perceive possibilities beyond their present, while working in the gap between their current situation and the situation to achieve. Developing skills is a process of learning. All learning brings with it a little crisis for anyone who passes through, is a movement of destructuring and restructuring which involves an amount of anxiety and uncertainty. In order to cope with less resistance is important for the leader to hold your bond and generate an environment conducive to learning, without punishing the error. Under the coaching understand that one learns when it increases its capacity to act effectively. So for someone to learn is necessary to generate a space for you to act, and occasionally make mistakes, mistakes and successes are well worth consideration for learning opportunities. The question of the process leading point to what is missing, and how I can assist the team to anticipate their breaks, facilitate their learning and to help dissolve your limitations?

Karina Mac Maney - CTP - Professional Coach Founder and Coordinator Transdisciplinary Space Coaching Sources: - Harvard Business Review, Moon Shots for Management, Gary Hamel. - Cooperrider, D. Whitney, D. Appreciative Inquiry Handbook. - Rafael Echeverria, the emerging company. - Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline. - Jim Selman, Notes on 1 Coaching Argentine Congress. - Enrique Pichon Riviere, the group process. - Lacan, Essay: The mirror stage as formative of the function of self.

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