Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Conversation

A conversation

I have claimed that you never mention, is partly true, I speak, but not name you, you said among other things, that I love you I can not deny, though he says reluctantly. You asked me to be with you forever I refused, because only I can be your lover, or that unknown figure that does not, which aims, delivering little or nothing, and just ask in life. Why are we so nobody knows that I know I ask if this does not have answers to, more introspection I have found something that might privately be spoken softly and have taught us that man is the king of the world that all what you ask or dream can easily be yours.

We have believed, our mothers did their job every minute, every time they, it was occupied. For their young children, in their claim, nothing was forbidden. Mightest sacrifice that she belonged, was his secret, his work, his proud heresy. Maybe that's why man loves without knowing why it does, and a woman feels a very different way, are two titans meet, they collide, they love to bed, curl and fasten in their minds for a moment until they belong, but in life in this comedy softens us there is little hard we exercise that feeling. the few minutes that will last the term is sometimes confused, or confuses us, it suffocates and kills, but still, it remains in vogue, I speak of love, and discovery as sex is, that delivers uncompromised mysterious with links, allowing us to fly even in this life when on the ground and leave one by one to crash and fall problems. Therefore today I accept, acclaim and knock woman I love, as I have you to say things that are very handy how that love is an ancient art that we should exercise because with it we can do and be very happy other.

Samuel Levy www.samuelakinin.ning.com Akinín


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