Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shoes Online In Store, Tips

The Internet is the reason that shopping is much simpler for everyone. Buying shoes online is one way you can save money and have access to a wider selection. However, there are also some safety measures you should take into consideration when buying shoes online. For one thing, you can not try them on. So, you want to be sure you get the correct size and style. Let's look at some practical tips to help you select appropriate shoes online.

The thing most people refer to when shopping online is making sure they get the right size. Since you can not try them on, all you have to go on is the size and description listed in the website. You can avoid this problem by finding the shoes you like in your local store and then find a better price to buy shoes online.

If you want the best price you can look him in line is positive once the size you need. This is of course the best way to ensure proper fit and also get the best deal on the shoes you really want. Before getting his shoes online, you should consider your particular style of dress so that you get the what looks best on you. When you are looking around for shoes can be simple to forget that your shoes make up part of his entire wardrobe.

Some nice shoes and a couple could look so wonderful, but that does not mean that everything you work with for example you used work clothes or special occasion clothing. For example, if you want to put a black game, chances are brown or brown shoes will not help the couple complete the look. Or you can see that the pairs of shoes in a website that is infuriating some color and think look cool, but you have to wonder if you ever actually used. One of the things that makes many people afraid to buy things online is the fear out the cheat your money or identity.

The Enigam Of The Sphinx

the flaming sword Cherub

The apocryphal Book of Enoch says that there were angels who consented to fall from the heavens to have contact with the daughters of the earth. "For in those days the sons of men had multiplied, naciéndoles daughters of great beauty. And when the angels, or sons of heaven, the Fri-rum, filled with desires, then said, 'Come, let us choose wives between the race of man, and beget children. 'His boss, Samyasa, then re-sponded, saying,' Maybe you lack the courage to enforce this decision, and then I only have to answer for your downfall. 'But they swore that in no way would repent and would carry out fully its purpose. were 200 who descended on Mount Armon, and was since then that this elevation received his appointment, which means Mount of the Oath.

Thereafter follow the names of those angels chiefs descended with this object: Samyasa, supreme commander, Urakabarameel, Azibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Sa-rakuyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Sansaveel, Ertrael, Tu-rel, and Arazial Jomiael. They took wives with whom they had contact, and also taught Magic, the art of enchantment and the diverse properties of roots and trees. Amazarac instructed on all the secrets of sorcerers; Barkaial who was master of the stars stud-ies; Akibeel revealed the signs, and Azaradel taught the movements of the moon. "

This legend of Enoch Kabbalistic Book is a story very different from the profanation of the Mysteries we find another form sym-bolic in the history of Adam's sin. Those angels, the children of God, Enoch speaks of those who were initiated into the Magic, and the community to outsiders nicaron, using unsuspecting women as instruments. Cleft Rock sensual appeal, fell in love sex were coaxed them unawares femeninoy secrets of royalty and the priesthood. The primitive civilization collapsed as a result, the giant, a symbol of brute force and indomitable appetite, fought together for the world, which only escaped by diving into the waters of luvia God, symbolized the universal confusion that was brought necessarily humanity to ignore and undermine the harmony of nature. There is affinity between the fall of Samyasa and Adam, seduced both lust, both defiled the Tree of Knowledge, and both were removed from the Tree of Life. We need not discuss here the views, or rather the simplicity of those who faced everything literally and believe that knowledge and life once manifestáronse form of trees, rather only recognize the deep significance of sacred symbols.

When you eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge actually inflicts death, that fruit is the adornment of this world are the golden apples of the earth glow. In the Arsenal Library is a curious manuscript entitled

The Book of the Penitence of Adam, where the Kabbalistic tradition are presented under the guise of the legendary tenor: "Adam had two sons: Cain, which means brute force, and Abel, the kind of intelligence and gentleness. It was impossible Concord; killed each other, and his inheritance passed to a third son named Seth. " Here is the conflict of two opposing forces diverted for the benefit of a synthetic and united force. "Now, Seth, which was right, was allowed to come to the entrance of the Garden of Eden, without being threatened the flaming sword Cherub." In other words, Seth represented the initiation pristine.

"Thus it happened that Seth was the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, so that partners were one tree," which means the harmony of science and religion Kabbalah transcendentalism. "And the angel gave him three seeds containing the vital power of the tree." This refers to the cabalistic triad.

"When Adam died, Seth, obeying the directives of the angel, put the three-mile at the mouth of his father, as a pledge of eternal life. The bro-ing those born became the Burning Bush, amid the God told Moses that his name Eternal, 'which means the One Who is and is to come. Moses pulled a tri-ple branch of the sacred bush and his staff used it as miraculous. Although the root-stop, the race continued live and flourish, and then was pre-served in the ark. King David planted the branch on Mount Zion, and Solomon took each piece of wood from the trunk to make triple the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which were located on the entrance to the temple. They were covered with bronze, and the third part was inserted into the threshold of the door. It was a talisman that kept penetrating filthy things.

But certain wicked Levites removed during the night this obstacle to their freedom wicked and full of stones, thrown to the bottom of the water tank of the temple. Thereafter an angel of God stirred the waters of the pond, giving them miraculous value, so that thereby men are distracted and do not seek the tree of Solomon in the background. At the time of Jesus the pond was cleaned and the Jews, finding the trunk, that his eyes seemed Inu-til he was taken out of the city and crossed over the River Cedron. Our Savior went through the bridge after being arrested at night in the Garden of Olives. His executioners threw away the water, then in his haste to prepare the main instrument of His passion, they took the trunk, which was three types of wood, and it forms the cross-ron. "

This allegory encompasses all the great traditions of the Kabbalah and secret Christian doctrine of St. John, now completely unknown. Seth also said to Moses, David, Solomon and Christ Kabbalistic Tree obtained from the same royal scepters and staffs his papacy. In this way we can understand why Christ was adored by the Magi on their pe-Sebro. However, recourse to the Book of Enoch, because it can be attributed to higher authority buírsele an unknown manuscript: the first is quoted in the New Testament the Apostle Judas.

Tradition has it the invention of letters to Enoch, and it is therefore de-Bemos who roll back the doctrines contained in the Sepher Yetzirah, which is the basic work of Kabbalah, whose compiler-according to the Rabbis, was the patriarch Abraham, heir to the secrets of Enoch and the father of the initiation of Israel. Thus, Enoch seems identical to the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus as the famous Book of Thoth, written in full in glyphs and numbers Jerome, the Bible would be hidden before the book of Moses and full of mysteries, which started with William Postel refers so often in all his works titled Genesis of Enoch. The Bible says that Enoch did not die and that God took him from one life to another. Must return to confuse the Antichrist at the end of the times after, then be one of the last martyrs, or witnesses to the truth, mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John. He said about Enoch in this regard was also expressed on all the major initiators re-istered in the full.

The same San Juan, according to the first Christians mitivos, was saved from death, and has long been taught that it was possible to see him breathing in his grave. The explanation is that the absolute science of preserving life against death, as always induce guess the instinct of the people. Be that as it may, the evidence of Enoch are contained in two books, one and the other allegorical hieroglyph. The first covers the key initiation hieratic, the second is the history of a desecration that caused the destruction of the world and the realm of chaos after the giants. St. Methodius, bishop of the early Christian era, whose writings are in the collection of the Fathers of the Church, made a prophetic calipsis Apo-history of the world develops into a series of visions.

Not included among the writings of the saint recognized, but it preserved the Gnostics and was printed in the Liber Mirabilis under the assumption behalf Bermechobus that ignorant editors substituted in place of Bea-Methodius, abbreviation of Beatus Methodius. In many aspects this book corresponds with the allegorical treatise entitled-do Penance of Adam. Seth tells how he emigrated to the East with his family and came to a mountain in the vicinity of the Garden of Eden. This was the country of the initiates, while the posterity of Cain invented a spurious magic or base in India, land of fratricide, and bru-Jeri put in the hands of the bold. St. Methodius predicts, in a later passage, the struggles and successive prodominio the Ishmaelites (name given in the Apocalypse to beat the Romans) of the Franks, who defeated the Ishmaelite: and then, a race of the North whose invasion precede the personal kingdom of the Antichrist. Thereafter shall be founded a universal kingdom will fall to a French prince, after which there will be the reign of justice for a long period of years. Here we are not interested in prophecy, but it is desirable to note the difference between good magic and bad magic, between the Sanctuary of the Children of Seth and desecration of science by the descendants of Cain.

In fact, transcendental knowl-edge is reserved for those who control their passions, and unspoiled nature does not give the keys to her bridal chamber adulterers. There are two types: free and slave, the man born in slavery of his passions but emancipation can be achieved through intelligence. Among those who are now free and those who still are not equal there is no po-sible. The role of reason is to rule, and the instinct of obedience Decero. On the other hand, if one imposes the blind lead the office of another-blind, both shall fall into the abyss. We must never forget that freedom is not license the passion emancipated from the law, because that license will manifest itself as the most horrible tyranny, the release is voluntary obedience to the law, the right thing is to fulfill one's duty and only the righteous can be called free. However, the rule should free the slaves, and they are called to be li-berados, not the government but free from the yoke of the passions, and as a result can not exist without masters.

Now recognize for a moment, the truth of the transcendental sciences. Suppose that there really is a force that can be mastered and which the miracles of nature are subject to the will of man. Say, if so, if the secrets of the richness and the bonds of sympathy may be left to the brutal greed, if the art of fascination may be entrusted to the libertines, if the supreme primacy over other wills may be entrusted to who fail NAR governance self. It is terrible to think about the disorders that can occur in such a desecration, it is necessary to erase any cataclysm crimes as all the land is saturated with mud and blood. Now this is the state of things indicated by the allegorical story of the fall of the angels, according to The Book of Enoch, this was the sin of Adam and these are its fatal consequences. The same happened with the Flood and destruction, and in a later period, the curse of Canaan.

The revelation of the occult is characterized by INSOL-tion of the son who exhibits the nakedness of his father. The drunkenness of Noah is a lesson for the priesthood of all time. Woe to those who bare the secret of divine generation unclean in the sight of the crowd! Keep closed the sanctuary, who wish to save your father slept the mockery of the imitators of Cam!

Such is the tradition of the sons of Seth respect to the laws of the human hierarchy, but Cain's family recognized them. The TAS caini-India invented the Genesis to consecrate the oppression of the strong and perpetuate the ignorance of the weak. The initiation became the exclusive privilege of high caste, and whole races of mankind were doomed to endless servitude under the guise of lower birth: left, as stated, feet or knees of Brahma. But Nature does not breed slaves and kings, all men are born with no differences, to work.

Pretend that the man who is perfect at birth, and degrades and corrupts the society is the wildest of the anarchists, even if the most poetic of the maniacs. But in vain John James was a sentimentalist and a dreamer: his deep misanthropy implied, to manifest through the logic of his fanatical followers, bore fruit of hatred and destruction. The architects imagined Utopia coherent by susceptible philosopher of Geneva were Robespierre and Marat. Society is not an abstract personality that can separate liability due to the stubbornness of man, society is an association of men, is flawed because of their vices and sublime about their virtues, but in itself is holy such as religion with which it is inseparably linked.

In fact, why religion is not an association generosísimos highest aspirations and efforts? Thus, the blasphemy of antisocial equality and the right as opposed to having to respond to the lie about the privileged classes by the Na-TURE, only Christianity solved the problem by assign-ing the supreme sacrifice and to proclaim a maximum who proudly offering its towards society and their appetites by law. Although bearers of the tradition of Seth, the Jews did not pre-serve in all its purity, and were infected with the ambitions unfair posterity of Cain.

Considering the chosen people, God judged the truth had been assigned as an asset rather than a confident assurance to humanity in general. Along with the sublime traditions of the Sepher Yetzirah are very curious revelations among the Talmudists. For example, do not hesitate to attribute the left-latria of the Gentiles to the patriarch Abraham, they say he bequeathed his inheritance to the Israelites, namely, knowledge of the true Divine Nom-men, in short, the Kabbalah was legitimate property heredi-tary of Isaac, but the patriarch, as we are told, gave some presents to the children of his concubines, and by these present dogmas veiled understand cryptic names that quickly materialized, mándose transformed into idols. False religions and their absurd mysteries, oriental superstition, with all its horrible sacrifices ...

What a gift from a father to his family destitute, is not it enough to carry your child Hagar in the desert? Does your loaf and pot with water should be added the burden of the fallacy, as poison torture and exile? The glory of Christianity is that summoned all men to the truth, without distinction of race or caste, but not without distinguish-ing on intelligence and virtue. "Cast not your pearls before swine," said the Divine Founder of Christianity, "lest their steps again and rend you and trample." The Revelation of St. John, which covers all kabbalistic secrets concerning the doctrine of Jesus Christ, is a book no less dark than the Zohar. It is written language of hieroglyphs with numbers and images, and the Apostle often appeals to the knowledge of the initiates. "Whoever has knowledge, understanding ... who understands, count," he says often, after an allegory or to pronounce a mystical number. St. John, the beloved dis-ciples and repository of all the secrets of the Savior, he wrote, therefore, that he understood the crowd.

The Sepher Yetzirah, the Zohar and the Apocalypse are the masterpieces of Occultism; contain more meanings than words, his ex-pression method is figurative as poetry and exact as numerical formulas rich. The Apocalypse sums up, complete and exceeds all the science of Abraham and Solomon, as we will show to explain the transcendent Kabbalah Keys. No less amazing to see the beginning of the Zohar the depth of his ideas and the sublime simplicity of his images. Reads as follows: "The Science of Balance is the key to all hidden science-ta. Unbalanced forces perish in the void. Thus passed the pristine world of kings, princes of the giants. They fell like trees without roots, and tomb no longer exists.

Through the conflict of unbalanced forces, devastated the land was empty and amorphous-ta have the Spirit of God fashioned for himself a place in heaven, and reduced the mass of water. All the aspirations of Nature dirigiéronse then towards the unity of form, into the living synthesis of balanced forces, the face of God, crowned with light, emerged on the vast sea and is reflected in its waters. Demonstrated both eyes, radiant splendor, sending two beams of light that passed with the reflection. The front of God and His eyes formed a triangle in the sky and its reflection formed a second triangle in the water. This was re-watched the number six, which is the universal creation. "The text is unintelligible in a literal, translates here as an interpretation. The author explains that the human form which gives the Deity is only a image of its meaning and that God transcends the expression of human thought or representation by any FIG. Pascal said that God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. But how to imagine a circle apart from its circumference?

The Zohar adopts the antithesis of this paradoxical image and about the circle of Pascal rather say that the circumference is everywhere and the center nowhere. However, for com-universal equilibrium of things with a balance and not a circle. It states that the balance is everywhere and so is the central point where the balance hangs in suspension. So brim discovered that the Zohar is stronger and deeper than Pascal. The author continues as follows his dream sublime: The synthesis of the word, made by the human figure, and you rose lentamen-emerged from the water, like the sun coming out. Appearing eyes, became the great symbol of the Zohar Kabbalistic light, to manifest his mouth, came the creation of spirits and said the word. By revealing the entire head, completed the first day of creation. Came the shoulders, arms and chest-ces chants began work. With one hand, the Divine Image drove back the sea, while the other raised the continents and mountains. The picture grew more and more, came the generative organ, and all beings began to grow and multiply.

The way he stood in all its height, with one foot on the ground and another on the water. Contemplates is entirely in the ocean of creation, breathed on his own reflection and called his likeness to life. He said: "Let us make man," and so man was made. Nothing is so beautiful in any poet's masterpiece as this vision of creation by the prototype of humanity. The man is only the shadow of a shadow, em-but it is the image of divine power. You can also extend their ma-us from East to West, received the land as a domain. This is Adam Kadmon, the primordial Adam Kabbalists. Such is the sense that it is des-crypto as a giant, and that is why Swedenborg, besieged in their dreams-dren by reminiscences of the Cabala, says that the whole creation is only a titanic man we are made in the image of the universe . The Zohar is a genesis of light, the Sepher Yetzirah is a ladder of truth. They are exposed to the thirty-two absolutes of language symbols that are numbers and letters. Each letter produces a number, an idea and a form, so that mathematics is applicable to the forms and ideas, even for numbers, by exact proportion and perfect correspondence.

Through science-pher Yetzirah is the human mind is rooted in truth and reason, explains all the progress possible for the intelligence through the evolution of the numbers. Thus the Zohar represents absolute truth, while the Sepher Yetzirah provides the method of acquisition, insight and application.

Nostalgia: Remembering A Sophia Loren

This beautiful woman was born in Italy in 1934. His real name is Sofia Villani Scicolone. It was one of the most voluptuous actresses the world has ever known and the possessor of one of the most exotic faces ever filmed.

International fame and became a sex symbol in the 1950s because of his performance in films like Pride and Passion (The Pride and the Passion, 1957) and Desire Under the Elms (Desire Under the Elms, 1958).

With the war drama Two Women (La Ciociara, 1961), Vittorio De Sica, won the Oscar for Best Actress. Later he also worked with famous and brilliant actor Marcello Mastroianni in the comedies Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Ieri, oggi, domani, 1963) and Marriage Italian-Style (Marriage all'italiana in 1964).

No doubt, in each of his films we see not only a beautiful woman but also a very talented actress.

As a curious note, when asked about her figure, she replied modestly: "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti!"

He is also credited with the following sentences: "The perfume (like silk, wine and flowers) is one of the necessary luxuries of life. The aroma is like a fine wine, you need fresh air before reaching the point of perfection . "Y" Today sex abuse and violence. "

Sophia Loren .... is undoubtedly an unforgettable woman.


A Conversation

A conversation

I have claimed that you never mention, is partly true, I speak, but not name you, you said among other things, that I love you I can not deny, though he says reluctantly. You asked me to be with you forever I refused, because only I can be your lover, or that unknown figure that does not, which aims, delivering little or nothing, and just ask in life. Why are we so nobody knows that I know I ask if this does not have answers to, more introspection I have found something that might privately be spoken softly and have taught us that man is the king of the world that all what you ask or dream can easily be yours.

We have believed, our mothers did their job every minute, every time they, it was occupied. For their young children, in their claim, nothing was forbidden. Mightest sacrifice that she belonged, was his secret, his work, his proud heresy. Maybe that's why man loves without knowing why it does, and a woman feels a very different way, are two titans meet, they collide, they love to bed, curl and fasten in their minds for a moment until they belong, but in life in this comedy softens us there is little hard we exercise that feeling. the few minutes that will last the term is sometimes confused, or confuses us, it suffocates and kills, but still, it remains in vogue, I speak of love, and discovery as sex is, that delivers uncompromised mysterious with links, allowing us to fly even in this life when on the ground and leave one by one to crash and fall problems. Therefore today I accept, acclaim and knock woman I love, as I have you to say things that are very handy how that love is an ancient art that we should exercise because with it we can do and be very happy other.

Samuel Levy www.samuelakinin.ning.com Akinín


Lapbooking Workshop I: How to Make a Lapbook Standard

CAP? CHAPTER 1: How to make a standard lapbook

We call this lapbook standard that is based on a single file.

You need: a color card filer that we like (or cardboard DINa3 size) Sheets and / or different coloresLápiz cardboard, pens, colored markers, etc.TijerasPegamentoCeloImpresora

We chose the theme we want to work, always close to the interests of the child, any topic that interests him trabajar.En will help if we have acquired a lapbook guide, print or activities we want to do that day (1 ).

We begin by taking a cardboard briefcase or file cabinet. We leave it as is and will be in book form, or to make it nicer, opens the portfolio and each sheet is folded in half making them match. A lapbook is a project that should do it in several days, for it is better to have a timeline of when activities will take place and thus have more control over time. Also learn to make and carry out planning is a very interesting learning for our children.

Although not essential, we can expand the information provided with multiple resources:

Watching a movie or documentary on the topic. Visiting the library. We can find books or magazines you contenidosPreguntando provide more images and people in our immediate environment. Sure you have family members or neighbors who can provide expertise or conocimientos.Visitando a museum or theme-related facilities. For example, if we are making a lapbook on the Romans, we can go to the museum of history of our city or if you're doing one about basketball, we can use to go to a party or visit the facilities of a large equipo.Visitando pages the Internet. Whether it's videos or blogs or web as if they are games, there are lots to see on the network.

1. If you do not have any guide, we will begin by outlining what we want to put in the lapbook. We recommend a draft: take two sheets join them with zeal to make our file and we lapbook organizing content, writing on these pages where we go información.Para placing each lapbook that we can work across several issues, we have several resources and make a chronological axis, a location map, answer the questions what, how, when, where, etc. In the event that they are children, this part of the process is better than the adult to do just that not overreach for the child process.

Turner and the Masters will be this summer at the Prado

See how JMW Turner's work relates to the work of old masters his new visiting Turner and the Masters exhibition at the Museo del Prado in Madrid from June 22 to September 19.

Art lovers who will be in a hotel in Madrid this summer will be pleased to see the exhibition as it will be open to the public during the three summer months.

This exhibition, which houses 80 paintings from various prestigious art centers around the world, has some of the works of JMW Turner. However, the museum has suggested that exposure may also prove interesting for those who are faithful followers of the artist, offering a new perspective on his art.

What the event aims to create a dialogue between some of the great works of Turner-like shadows and darkness, the day before the Flood, Light and Color, The Morning after the Deluge and Peace Burial at Sea, and those of other teachers from different eras.

The organizers explain: "The exhibition shows that the British artist did his work perfectly aware of the painting of the old masters, who studied in depth, while paying attention to the contribution of some of his contemporaries." Some of the artists are connected to Turner in the way in his paintings, including Rembrandt and Claude Lorraine.

The museum's opening hours are from 9 to 20 hours from Tuesday to Sunday and the entry cost is 8 €. For more information see the museum's official website or call (34) 91 330 2800.

To get the most out of Turner and the Masters exhibition, book your hotel in Madrid to avoid the inconvenience of doing so at the last minute.


Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Ways to Feel Happy Free

Here are five easy ways to keep you happy most of the time.

Life is not always as fun as playing bingo online, but one should always try not to be brought down the small problems all the time. We challenge you to leave this long face in the closet, and put a smile on your face! Trust me, you'll notice the difference and so all the others.

We have compiled a guide to the subject bingo feeling very well, bingo style! I challenge any of you read the following and do not draw even a small smile.

1. Tell a chiste.La next time you feel embarrassed in a social situation, in the midst of some online bingo games or bingo hall, out to all your favorite joke and provokes a few laughs out there. It is always a good idea to bring a small repertoire of good jokes, to keep on hand when you go out with friends or to break the ice (the voltage). Just make sure you do not tell the same joke over and over again. People do not like that - seriously. Here is a horrible joke Toc - Toc to start at once with the right foot. This is a slightly out-intenalo faces so only with your closest friends.

- Toc - Toc> Who's there? - Bingo!> Bingo who? - Bingo'iba to come and visit, I have not seen in ages!

2. Go out a little aire.Se what it means to be so busy that you forget to go out and get some air from time to time. But do not forget! On sunny days, take your coffee and toast outdoors, or just go out for a walk around the block. The fresh air will be a nice change after being locked up so long, and if you get your body moving and blood flowing through your veins, you'll see that you will feel much better. On rainy days, take an umbrella, boots and let some waters of the heavens will pass their energy. In the icy and stormy days .... Well, assuming you can stay indoors during those days!

3. Participate in games chat.Los chat moderators are always online in our bingo rooms, ready to start another fun game chat, 24 hours a day! The chat games are a fun and free way to meet new people and share some smiles. Speaking of smiling .. That brings us to:

4. Reir.Ya know all the reasons, laughter is the best medicine, a smile makes the world go round ... Or is it love? In any case, laughter is critically important for success in the social interecciones helps people feel lighter and even provides you with some exercises for your abs while strengthening your heart. In fact, studies have shown that laughter can boost your immune system. Laugh or even smile only with you can change the mood dramatically. Come on, show us your teeth, do it now!

5. Do something bonito.Trata to do three random acts of kindness every day, and as a complement to a stranger or someone holding a door in the provider. Usually we do these things anyway, but for some reason consciously make us feel great! And people respond positively, you are improving on some person and the possibilities for them to take that positive energy and direct it to the next person you meet are high. I'm not saying it's the solution to global happiness, but it comes very close.


Photo Of The Day: 20/05/2011 "unusual visit to the Castle of Javier"

The guide began to talk to parsimoniously clarity. "We are facing an architectural jewel, which was built in century X. As you know, is located in an area high above the village of Javier, 52 km from Pamplona and 7 Sangüesa. In this castle was born and died San Francisco Javier, son of Mr. de Javier, and that gave name to the fortress. " Suddenly, behind the towers that dominate the building, showed a dense layer of clouds. A pale gray, almost white. They were approaching at breakneck speed and in a few seconds, the entire group surrounded. He attracted wide attention, guidance and other visitors, continued on as if nothing happened. "Over the main entrance can be seen ..." It seemed to be me, the only foreign perceive the cloud mass. Gradually, I stopped listening to the voice of women. I could not see my fellow hikers. A gentle tune of harps, lutes and harps came to me from the thickness. I could not even tell my feet. In the background, some blows ... tune a little ear ... There was no doubt. They were hooves.

A cool breeze scented birch and squash, the fog cleared and allowed me to glimpse again the solid building. Something had changed. Around us beautiful oak and birch. The castle was something different. The dark stone, the towers changed ... a sharp sound made revolve on my heel. At eye level, I snorted agitated, a large horse, husky, nodding with powerful force. He was adorned with a velvet blanket was embroidered a beautiful coat of arms. A beautiful animal loins of a gentleman. Serio, erect in his uniform and a huge spear in his right hand. - Who are you and why this strange clothe clothing? - I ... I came to visit the castle ... the guide ... the band ... I stammered, thinking, let's see ... define strange. - What are you talking about?. Have you lost your mind, perhaps? Do not perteneceréis troops of Cardinal Cisneros? - No, no, I swear sir, replied, terrified, trying to adjust to their way of speaking. He knew the guestbook of the castle, which was during the conquest of Navarre, several clashes between Cardinal Cisneros, determined to demolish the castle and the family of Maria and Juan de Jaso Azpilkueta, owners of the building at the time.

In some inexplicable way, I had moved to 1516 ... My thoughts were interrupted by a blood-curdling scream. - To arms! Men are approaching Cisneros! In a reflex, I threw myself under some bushes. I scratched his arms up and down, but now he felt no pain. A huge cloud of dust, a product of galloping horses, invaded the environment. Screaming, running, snorting. In the background a marimba seemed familiar ... "The Duchess of Villahermosa, and early twentieth century, donated the castle to ..." I got up cautiously, trying to remove the dust with his arms. Again, the fragrant breeze ... sharpness, and the group of tourists surrounding the drab woman. I tried to reconstruct the gesture ... and follow the others as if nothing had happened. Completely evaded the historical discourse, thought that when I returned home, you should visit a doctor and see the reason for these sudden attacks of uncontrollable imagination. "It may be that my environment affects me to the point of losing sight for a few minutes," I scolded myself, when raising the arm to check the time, I saw it was full of scratches. So what?, Was it real?.

You can find more articles of this series in http://fotoblogedurneiza.blogspot.com

We invite you to visit www.edurneiza.com

Photo: Edurne Iza

Text: Iza Otamendi Onintza

You can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or profitable use of it. Do not forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.


Who is behind Calvo1989, The Spanish player has won the Sunday Warm-Up?

Behind calvo1989 nick "calvo1989? Calvet is Bernat Terre, and behind this victory in the Sunday Warm-Up is also the invaluable help of his cousin Guillem Bernat but behind, two friends who have shared PokerNet with him since his beginnings in poker today , his first great success. A couple of years ago a young Agramunt, a town near Lleida, he went to study in Barcelona and lived during the week at a residence, then met Stephen and Guillem Terré. Esteban know him better as CiCoR, that through one of our freerolls in Betsson got sponsorship for some events in vivo. From this friendship began to study the game they love and who went on to spend many hours. A part of Stephen and Guillem Bernat was also the main protagonist of this story and this tournament Guillem's cousin who began playing at the same time as them.

Bernat is a player specialized online shorthanded No Limit and medium / low, where at the moment is winning. Our buddy Guillem is a regular college course during the tournaments low buy-in Casino de Barcelona and NL cash games ½, now works primarily online to play Shorthanded Omaha. "My personal opinion i Guillem Bernat, is that they are two players who study the game a lot? CiCoR tells us. "They spend more hours studying books and videos that probably most professionals live circuit, so this result has not been the result of luck? Mathematics and bankroll management keys among this group of friends who live and Poker. As any amateur who engages in this Sunday's event tournaments, and from Agramunt Bernat Guillem joined his cousin to play some torneillos. The Sunday Warm-Up began to go well and good Bernat was planted at the final table. As in all tournaments chronic, Bernat became very touched with just a blind when there were only 5 players, but rallied the flight to be planted in the headsup with a handicap of 3 to 1.

Comeback enough for his rival to accept a pact to Bernat and 107K 97K for the chip at the time, "Payacan? leaving $ 10,000 was for the winner. Your browser may not support display of this image. The rest of the story you know "calvo1989? won the tournament and Bernat multiplied his bankroll. Bernat not personally know but since Pokernet congratulate you on this result and certainly knowing Guillem offered great support in the most critical moments, congratulations to the pair of Agramunt.


And Boundaries Research Services to provide your auto insurance

When you have knowledge of such information may take better advantage of their investment.

According to Hector Rode, Executive Vice President of Products and Marketing of AXA Insurance, "the person who hires an insurance policy has to know what this product offers and how it protects the time of an accident, this is vital for proper operation of the same. "

In an auto insurance policy will have tangible benefits that can be applied at any time and have to do with the real needs of customers with innovative proposals.

For example, the insurer Axa, the majority of their car insurance policies cover damage and provide the amount of it, however, excludes any type of accident caused by intoxicated in the driver.

Regularly exclusions in auto insurance policies are handled and coverage must be stipulated in the contracts, according to the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) and the Condusef.

Policy does not cover damage 1.La when the driver has no driver's license or permit at the time of the accident.

2.No will cover damage caused by natural disasters.

3.When the vehicle does not have the characteristics that indicate the policy, such as serial number, motor and plates, it is not covered.

4.When you provide false information on the recruitment of its insurance policy may be invalid when you have an accident.

5.No covered in broken side mirrors, skulls, crystals than the original manufacturer.

Approximately 22 million cars circulating in the country and it is estimated that 50% are uninsured.

It is believed that of all people who have contracted the service of auto insurance only half know in detail the services we provide insurance and what are the exclusions. For this reason you should read before signing.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sunweb.es: Easter Offers

Spanish travel portals registered a high level of travel bookings for the Easter holidays. A few days of Easter sales soar online tour packages and low cost flights as well as experience the online travel agency Sunweb.es with holiday offers to destinations like Dubrovnik (Croatia), Tunisia and Prague.

Market research plan a trip report that reduces the total price by 20% compared to the last minute. Online travel agencies like Sunweb.es offer travel solutions to the market cheapest airfare, hotels and excursions. "Our prices are most competitive in the market. We offer a complete entertainment service, air ticket + hotel + sightseeing tours at a very low value. A clear example for this Easter is our offer to Dubrovnik (Croatia) for only 499 € all inclusive. Our industry expertise and international experience allows us to get good deals for our customers?, Says Juan Martin del Hoyo General Manager of Sunweb Spain.

Sunweb.es travel agency, has been one of the pioneers in the tourism sector in their advertising campaigns using the final price "all inclusive?. In this way it was positioned as a referral agency in providing services offers unparalleled tour packages such as Croatia, Tunisia and Prague for Easter holidays 2008. "Undoubtedly our offer of Dubrovnik, Croatia is unbeatable?, Stresses John Martin.

About Sunweb

Sunweb.es is a travel agency specializing in recruiting, selling and packaging, with transport services by air travelers. Spain is part Sunweb Sunweb Holding Group, of Dutch origin and the market leader in direct selling to the public through Internet and telephone (www.sunweb.nl). His experience and work systems, have made possible the implementation in our country in this new and clear way to buy and sell holidays.

Canyon Sink: an amazing journey in the midst of nature

The state of Chiapas has been for millions of years, the jealous guardian of this place full of magic, beauty and mystery, an inviting place to be discovered and travel from end to end for everyone who enjoys the contact with nature. Board a raft on the pier of Chiapa de Corso and begin a journey full of adventure that will go down forever in his memory. In its 22 km long and at least 800 meters high, will find not only the lush greenery of the stunning natural beauty of the Grijalva River flow has carved over millions of years, but also mysterious caves have been found rock paintings, some ruins and other evidence of human occupation Hispanic. If your journey is on foot, a suspension bridge will host you get to take you to the Rose of the Four Winds. From there, you delve into the nature, reaching the pool of good wishes, place where the murmur of water slowly descending from the heights of the mountain, is the most beautiful sound that can be appreciated. Then the path of awareness helps us to reflect on the nature and the pressing need to start taking care of her.

Discover jungle trails later, and finally enchanted by the mysterious tree of rain, no matter the time of year, you get wet when you pass under it. Now, maybe it's time to release some adrenaline. Zip practicing able to cross the canyons at high speed from a height that not only you can experience unique emotions, but at the same time will give you the opportunity to admire the giant mountain elevations of this ecological park from a different perspective. If you prefer to rappel, then prepare to shudder total 30 meters and 15 meters to descend in free fall and another 15 against a rock wall. Now if you are looking for a challenge like no other you have experienced, to undertake the challenge of climbing a rock wall 90 degree tilt and reach the top through the efforts of its four limbs. If you travel with your family and want to be available to quieter activities, sailing across the Bay area of ​​Los Monos kayak is an excellent choice. On the other hand, the horseback riding tour through a beautiful forested path will provide a wonderful opportunity to see a unique view of the canyon at 500 feet.

By air, by sea or land, alone, with friends or with your family, whatever way you want to live this experience, the Gully Canyon is ready to surprise you and give you unique emotions that will accompany you for the rest of his life. Come to the Canyon Sink and experience an incredible journey in the midst of nature!

Hotels in Mendoza Capital To Discover The Tourist Circuit

The city of Mendoza, which dominates the region of Cuyo, is located in central Argentina, on the west, and very near the border with the Republic of Chile. Although it only covers 57 km ² in area, it is estimated that the metropolitan area is also part of this city, a region known as Gran Mendoza, occupying a total of almost 17,000 km ². One million people live in this urban center, the fourth largest town in Argentina. Of course, hotels in Mendoza and the rest of the tourist services are widely developed in order to exploit the many natural beauties and attractions that have not only the city but also the región.Una of the excursions that no visitor should missed is the traditional City Tour. Mendoza has traditionally occupied a prominent place in the history of Argentina and the Americas, for this reason, the city has many historical sites and memories of the colonial era that are a living testimony to the centuries of Spanish occupation in América.La condensed area traditionally large number of these historic sites is the? rea Foundation. A feature of the city is that the squares summarize much of the history of it, because this route is a direct trip to the past.

Independence Square is often the initial step for this historical journey. It can be a source and a theater where they perform cultural and artistic activities. Also on the square is the Museum of Modern Art, where regional and Latin American artists have exhibitions so permanente.La Mendoza was founded by Pedro del Castillo in 1561. The site is preserved in the foundation? Founding area, right on the Plaza Pedro del Castillo. Here may be important archaeological remains, which testify of what life was like in those initial moments the city of Mendoza. However, the city was completely destroyed in 1861 after a devastating earthquake leveled the same. On this occasion, unfortunately, only a quarter of the city's population perished, but also important historical buildings hopelessly lost. For this reason the city has greatly occupied in rescuing those who remain. The history of Latin America is another powerful reason to seek hotel in Mendoza (Mendoza), as the city itself is an open door to the past.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The spectacular canyon of Rio Lobos and nature

The canyon of the Rio de Lobos is a nature reserve by the autonomous community of Castile and Leon, probably one of the most beautiful landscapes of Spain, about a third area is located in the province of Burgos and two thirds of soria , in which we can find cheap hotels to enjoy a vacation and get to know this wonderful place.

Visit this wonderful place is very easy because their land is flat and well prepared paths along the way we will observe the amazing canyon walls in which are spectacular in places in which they are paving the way with huge curves stroke following the meanders of the river.

The river between cattails, watercress, reeds and water lilies begin to show us the variety of flora and makes this place a magnificent place for all that is around you, being in the midst of his nature very pure Breathing the air .

Throughout the tour near the limestone that rises vertically we find very striking rock formations and an amazing play of colors in the stone, you can also visit the chapel with its romantic and its influences a Gothic first and makes it a spectacular stretch of the canyon and in front of a cave that offers stunning views, as well as the collection of corbels with figures carved in stone, which are very curious and that is related to the esoteric and Templars.

during the tour we will see some amazing views and especially if we go to one of the canyon walls, will appreciate the spectacular hole in the stone, this place is of great interest because it can be seen from the beautiful views, as you can admire the valley of Ucero.

All this we can enjoy if you do a good search and you will find hotels with good prices and thus enjoy this wonderful experience.

Bed And Breakfast in Sicily

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean and the largest region and southern Italy. Prensenta Sicily itself as a great land to be discovered. Its beauties are many and varied, and different from area to area. Along with stunning natural landscapes and unique harmonious lives a huge and complex heritage - multicultural arts. All this without not to mention the wealth of local traditions and enogatronomía result of the natural resources of this land and the wisdom of its inhabitants. In a setting so harmonious, rich and varied are many routes you can take to discover the different faces. Colors, smells, sounds and tastes of a unique place are willing to accept and excite those who decide to visit. A holiday in Sicily can take many forms depending on the destination and accommodation best suited to your needs of travelers. Sicily deserves time to be seen, is so full of attractions, and this applies to each of its provinces. Staying at a bed & breakfast in Sicily is the ideal solution for an extended stay. In fact its main strong point is the cost compared with other types of accommodation such as hotels.

To this you must add the hospitality of the operators of these facilities and the sharing of Sicilian life style that is certainly a source of personal enrichment and an opportunity to learn an important ingredient of this land and its inhabitants. You can choose to stay at sea, in cities or in the interior of Sicily or you can explore a route through the provinces of Sicily. You can find accommodation of this kind in the territory that will ensure good prices and friendly service.

The Sabbatical Year and the benefits they can derive from it

Young people eager to learn more about the world and learn about themselves before committing to a college of three or four years can enjoy some of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of their lives when they take a sabbatical.

The sabbatical year, which traditionally takes place in the years between leaving school and starting college or work, can encompass a variety of activities from exotic countries to travel and discover different cultures to participate in community projects. In addition to giving young people the opportunity to make a difference and enrich their life experience, a sabbatical after the rigors school can also be incredibly useful to help them get an idea of ​​what they want done with your life, and where to go.

The sabbaticals are a common and popular, very well regarded by people in many countries around the world, on the contrary, the general attitude toward students is usually somewhat dismissive. However, those who think a sabbatical need to carefully consider many factors when evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of a year off.

Among the advantages is the opportunity to enjoy unique life experiences that are simply unattainable by those who are tied to work or study full time, whether this involves working in a foreign country or volunteering close to home. Besides being rich, these activities can also help raise funds to keep invaluable during free and even contribute to their establishment in the future.

However, there are some disadvantages that are discussed often by those who decide to travel in their gap year and vary from person to person. Being away from home, often for the first time can be a harrowing experience for those who are very attached to their family and friends, but fortunately it is now more convenient than ever to make international calls and keep in touch in other ways, for Internet.

People traveling on sabbatical also may find it difficult to acclimate to life back home, or may find that the opportunities that awaited them before are now out of reach. However, for most travelers, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages when taking a year off, and is much more likely to hear words of regret of those who decided not to take a year off than people who did.

More than 5,500 Jaén Opposition is interested in the Distance

Jaén January 19, 2009 .- According to the Master-D group leader training venture in Spain, the percentage of Murcia interested in courses to prepare examinations has increased by 39% percent in the last year.

Of these, 56% women versus 44% of men and of the total, 29% have college-a 3% higher than the national average-, aged between 25 and 30 mostly .

"We believe this increase is due primarily to the economic times being experienced by the country as people seek more than ever, job security and comfort at work" said Raul Gonzalez Tristan, head of the faculty of the company. "In fact, 93% of people who are preparing us in Jaen oppositions or are interested in taking courses not currently working, 8% more than the Spanish average."

The preparations most requested in 2008 and whose demand is expected to continue growing this year are the administrative assistant courses, national police, solar energy, orderlies and technical school education.

The oppositions in Jaén have experienced in the past year an increase in demand of 32%-a 15% higher than the national average. As for technical courses (from classical VET as welding, maintenance, repair of computers, pneumatic ... etc) demand grew by 95% - 86% more than in the rest of Spain. In the professional courses (travel agent, hotel receptionist, technician in early childhood education ... etc) demand was 59%.

"By 2009 all depends on how evolving economic scenario, but if the economy and unemployment figures continue as before, we expect to receive about 20% more requests for information to prepare examinations in previous years," concludes Raul Gonzalez.

Rio De Janeiro Cruises

Rio de Janeiro is considered by many as the most beautiful city in South America. People born in Rio de Janeiro is applied the adjective "Carioca". The city is famous for the tourist beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, for the giant statue of "Cristo Redentor" on Mount Corcovado, Sugar Loaf, Tijuca Forest, the Cathedral, numerous churches and the famous Carnival celebration in February each year.

What is a cruise?

A cruise means waking up and watching the sea from the window. Going out to eat breakfast and know that the sun accompanies one to the table. Choose the appropriate activity for the day: take a new city, find a different landscape or dive in the pool. Walking calm as the waves travel around. Observe that an infinite horizon, however, seems at hand. Prepare for an unforgettable dinner, again by the sea, and perhaps go to the theater, watch a movie, dance or play in a casino. Before bedtime, a final walk in the light of the stars.

The Rio de Janeiro cruise travel throughout the city and beaches and typical carnival which invades the city in February. Rio de Janeiro is a must in every itinerary destination because it combines all that is Brazil in one place: vast and beautiful beaches, nature always festive of its people, the beauty of the hills and the tropical climate that is mixed with everything makes a great city.

Several of the Cruise of Brazil also go through the cities of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the cities of Montevideo and Punta del Este in Uruguay. Whereupon, it was a spectacular opportunity is even better because it allows the chance to meet three South American cities in one trip and from the same boat hotel.

Cheap Tickets

In planning your summer trip, from knowing more about your destination to book hotels and flights-, technology and networking go hand in hand contigo.Apps for mobile sites, virtual tours, online reservations, check the prestige of hotels and restaurants are some of the options in a tourist disponibles.Conviértete 2.0, exploring the alternatives you have at hand and build the vacation you've always soñado.Ahora undoubtedly more fácil.Prepara your trip linear Pros: air fares and hotel. Wide variety of sites, all linked to viajes.Foros and places to see references to hotels, restaurants and other matters turísticos.Los cons: Various offers are for a single day. Problems can occur theft credit card data in places not seguros.El traveler does not have all the expertise to identify what a "hook" and what is real.Cuando a problem occurs, it is complicated to some people respond . What if you rely on an agency? Pros: Service personnel with experience, who has traveled or is trained in the various options disponibles.Oferta destinations of airlines and hotels. Backup support agents to solve problems (cancellations, changes.) Cons Cons: There is a fee for service.

Officers of the móvilSi you like to share each 'detail' of travel in social networks, then you're not thinking about leaving the phone at home, right? If you take it, consider some recommendations to prevent high bills when you regreses.Telcel surprised: Before you travel to telcel.com Login / roaming. Check coverage, rates and services in the country to visit, and confirms that the frequency of data transmission equipment is compatible.Para use your data service (Internet) validates that coverage exists in the country to mark GPRS.Evita difficulty keeping your contacts with the international exit code "+" followed by country code (eg, 521 for fixed phones and 52 for Mexico) and the 10 digit number .* Confirm that your computer has the latest software version. Users with data plan can hire International Traveler packages for voice service, SMS or the Internet with discounts of up to 80%. Have on hand the number of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (+52 55 3686 5100), in case of required, it is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 hours México.Movistar time: You can download a good pocket guide movistar.com.mx.

I need help Just enter / Roaming, and there you will find everything related to marking, rates and restricciones.Iusacell: So much for the BlackBerry Storm to the iPhone, this phone detailed in iusacell.com.mx (Customer Service / travel) all you need to consider before you go to another destino.Usuarios of BlackBerryDebes have hired International to use a BlackBerry email, BB Messenger, MSN, Yahoo, Gmail or BlackBerry.Si browser you want to surf, that's another option. Check with your telephone costs. Verify that the operator in the city where you have services GPRS, EDGE or 3G, and Options-Red defines the "handbook" for the most conveniente.Si look you have questions, dial * 264 (Telcel). In the case of Iusacell, see the list of coverage CDMA / GSM mundo.Antes of travel, updated coverage list to * 228, if you want to know if you have international roaming enabled, dial * 611.Para iPhoneConsidera those off the option of "data roaming" or "data roaming" to avoid significant charges to your account for access to better options Internet.Aprovecha Wi-Fi available in the city where you want to have available vayas.Si "voice mail ", you need to have roaming enabled or roaming.Al have roaming enabled, you can select" push "to deliver the email you automatically, although it may be advisable not to fill you disable messages that have no time to read. aimlessly, but are part of opcionesSi, for any situation, will travel this summer, how about a virtual vacation?

The possibilities range from learning more about a city to see an exhibition in a virtual Louvre museo.El. It will be fun and uplifting stroll virtually in every corner of this famous museum, just go to louvre.fr (Museum / Virtual Tours). Iceland. Far and cold, there is the impression this país.Para learn more about the land of Björk, and passage of other more, go to virtualtourist.com. Safari. If you have ruled out going to now? Africa, then at least take advantage and learn more of the spectacular views of this huge continent with videos and stunning photos in virtually safari.tv Finland. The best of this country in the far north, and even the possibility of learning the Finnish finland.fi find it in Hong Kong Tourism Board. From attractions to attractions unique to the Asian region, are available on-kong.com discoverhong.? RMAT for the trip

* Mobile phone. Needed to share your trip at the time, since you can send messages and pictures to your friends or upload them to use networks for issues sociales.Evita work: you're on vacation! * Tablet. Playing, watching movies or update your personal blog, are some of the options at that time have killed between city and city .* eBook Reader. It may not go to Stockholm, but at least you can entertain in its electronic version, the adventures of "The Girl Who Played with a match ...", located in Sweden .* DVD Player. If you do not bring your laptop or tablet, consider a portable device of this type of discs, which will make the journey more bearable to your destination .* MP3 pleasure. In the market there are several devices that allow you to store your favorite music or you consider ideal for the space that you will arrive .* And the boots! Do not forget to bring in your bags, and believes that the place where you are traveling may not have the necessary voltage requirement, so add an adapter for your iPhone * universal.Apps PocketTrav. All you need is in this travel guide, in English, which integrates information from almost all countries, obtained from wikitravel.org.

From accommodation, hotels, restaurants, to tourist activities. Free and compatible with IOS 3.0 or later .* Almeida Viajes Mexico. This travel agency is one of the few that has an app for your móvil.Con this, you will find the offers that have this company, and enter your preferences to receive the best opciones.Gratuita and compatible with IOS 3.0 or later .* Aeromexico. Check flights and schedules to speed up your transfers or changes of plans, while reviewing establishments of interest and acknowledges the most appropriate routes and compatible with IOS acceso.Gratuita 3.0 or later.

* Iberia. Organize your trip, personalize your space in the airline and contact numbers see the world, do you offer the Spanish Iberia.Entre other options, it is possible to consult cheap flights, arrivals and salidas.Gratuita and compatible with IOS 3.1.3 or later .* TravelStats. If you want to keep track of each city where you been, how you came and the distance you've traveled, this program ayudará.Además, shows the city and country where you are. It costs 10 pesos and is compatible with IOS 4.2 or later .* Skyscanner. With information from its online version, gives details of some 700 000 flights routes around the world, with rates of over 600 local airlines and globales.Disponible in 23 languages. Free and compatible with IOS 3.0 or later .* Cities in Europe. Videos of the 15 most beautiful cities in Europe are in the content of this application, such as Paris, Rome, London, Prague, Istanbul, Barcelona and Dublin, among otras.Gratuita and compatible with IOS 3.0 or later .* Asia City Guide. In this software you will find a description in English of major Asian cities with information on airports, hospitals, hotels, museums, restaurants, parks, train stations and points turísticos.Gratuita and compatible with IOS 3.2 or later .* Subway / Tube Seeker.

Subway systems in nine cities in the world (New York, Madrid, Mexico City) are included in this app.Permite know how far you are from a station. It costs 10 pesos and is compatible with IOS 3.0 or later .* Hotels! Compare. This search engine combines the prices of almost all hotels, taken from sites like Expedia and Travelocity, and gives you the information to choose the most compatible with IOS económico.Gratuita 3.0 or later.


Santa Marta Their Landscapes own review

In this South American oasis, warm temperatures and blue beaches surpass anything ever seen before. Named by Mr. Rodrigo de Bastidas back in the year 1525 the city of Santa Marta is one of the most exotic and fascinating destinations in Latin America besides being a perfect place to dive fully into the Atlantic Ocean. Santa Marta Tourism offers these activities where they can enjoy the colorful fish and coral landscapes that extend the beauty of this delicate ecosystem, as if little of everything the city has thousands of kilometers of beaches protected by the Tayrona National Park, which is a ideal setting for a dream vacation. A 20 minute drive from the center of town is the village of Taganga a small seaside town full of tranquility during the day and great fun at night to party, beyond its beauty Taganga is a destination paradise blessed with harmony singular. The people are humble and a boundless sympathy. The foreign community was settled that incorporate an international flair and intellectual interesting for visitors. The vast majority are divers or surfers, but everything about everything travelers with endless stories.

Other places to visit in this city is its history center composed almost intact colonial houses that give us air to the era of the wealthy merchants, we also have that the city is very religious and has seen several of the oldest churches of all Latin America, besides being the main cathedral precinct where rested the remains of Simon Bolivar liberator of nations until he moved to the city of Caracas in the country of Venezuela.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The types of tourism

Arguing as vacationing Russian tourists need to point the next trend.

Today in the world, as it includes Russia, increased interest in cruises on the river and the sea. Take part in sea cruises (and rivers too) the people of old age are those who regard the marches as weary tourist, rest on the beach under the sun's rays can cause damage. On the cruise you can get it all for minor parts, and various cultural programs, and sunbathing on the deck, the mountains of water, and swimming in the pool or at sea (or river) in places the beaches "savages", and once in three days observation local recreation ground.

It increases the amount of fans to travel to spas medicinal mud. In the USSR in the Soviet time the sources of healing dirt traveling through the union free places different layers of the population of Russia in the world for this type of rest was a privilege for the rich and famous. Today all over the world have changed priorities: people are more attentive to their health. For them to leave Israel to the Dead Sea is known for his remarkable and full of salt water and is therefore impossible to drown in it.

There is also a thematic tourism which gradually begin the Russians. This type of tourism involves travel to taste the wines of France, Italy, Spain or Portugal. Well now not only the Russians drink the liquor, beer and port. In Russia it increases the amount of fans to the tastes of different wines.

But it develops more momentum in the world eco-tourism. And in the current year is hot and the winter average temperature is zero degrees (that is unbelievable that storms have occurred in Russia at the end of December 2006 but is true) given only herd trend. Nature as if it gives knowledge of self, because she does not suffer pollution (chemical and thermal) derived from the vital activity of the person.

As they say the new one is the forgotten man. Before the Soviet Union marches were very popular tourist and regarded as cheaper type of rest because it was accessible even to students, now such marches are called ecological tourism and worth expensive. Before our countrymen (at that time citizens of the USSR) rising to the tourist place, taking with it the boat. They could travel to the area of ​​forests and in the mountain region. Those tourists in a comfortable place to stay and sleep put the tent. They could carry on rowing canoes, catching fish. To spend 2 weeks or a month of the tourism they returned to the city full of the impressions of his trip.

And that will be stronger the shock to the general pollution of the planet, will be most active people escape from civilization, and the price increase is more for pleasure. It is true that no ecological tourism in all cases considered travel to faraway places alone. In this type of tourism can be divided into two types: travel and adventure holidays in pure ecological sites are built only from natural materials. Amateur ecotourism tourists come mainly from developed to developing countries Paice: the Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nepal, and also to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. For nature lovers are filling U.S. national parks, tickets for some of them need to order before the arrival.

However, the ecological balance of the territories reserved shipments not support that increase, and there is a need for the creation of new territories. The big attention now given to this idea, particularly in India and Southeast Asia countries.

Those who are fond of exoticism, but are concerned about the ecological purity of the place of stay, choose the zones created spa. As an example of your discovery takes the bathing area in Washington state, near the village of farmers, horticulturists Venachi. It is called Sleeping Lady Mountain Retreat which means the resort's "Sleeping Beauty". In coastal mountain river where trout splashes, are the wooden houses, which are heated by fireplaces. No plastic parts are all the mats, the canvas covering and napkins. No TVs in rooms with modern musical centers. The silence is disturbed only by birdsong and the sound of falling water. All that calms the nervous system of the person and all problems and difficulties in their daily lives as if they forget. Near the house are situadon the garden and orchard, where everything grows without nitrates, herbicides. Reaping what grows there, the head of the restaurant's kitchen "Sleeping Beauty" exceptionally useful prepares delicacies, whose recipes is the mystery commercial.

Smoking is prohibited throughout the territory of that building!

The time now create something like this in North Wales. It is the people of the class "lux? Whitewater Country Park with 35 wooden houses pure organic Canadian, 5-star spa, pool and restaurant for gourmets. As the authors of the project, guests will be awarded all pleasures. Along with the desire they can give ride on the raft, sail in the canoe, catch salmon and trout, rock climbing, hiking through the caves, take photographs, drawing, PCBS for horse riding, cycling, participate in the rally, and so on.

It is the absolutely new type of tourism and perspective, which will subsequently successfully.

It was an Assessment for Learning

Today we know that formal education is a complex phenomenon involving many interconnected elements within and outside educational institutions. In the evaluation processes becomes very relevant because they define the structure and dynamics that they have at all levels, with the assessment of learning, a constant of institutional life.

From a strictly administrative point of view, but with profound implications, teachers are required as part of their teaching, to make assessments of their students with the intent to deliver accounts to the institution, about the rate of approval and disapproval of a year. The ways of carrying out this procedure are of various kinds and nature, but they all inevitably decanted into the idea of ​​accreditation.

Unfortunately, this view is so widespread, that the students themselves have taken as part of their identity, severely impacting their academic performance, ie, throughout its history student, they showed the evaluation of their learning as a synonym for qualification and primary objective of the educational process, then of course, their efforts are designed to prove the matter, without necessarily involving a true learning.

We believe that this phenomenon so common in most schools, has its origin largely in the type of evaluation is implemented, the concept we have of it and especially how it is presented to students . So, if you opt for an assessment based on certain instruments account of final products as a reflection of learning and tell students that they will be based on certain rating, then students would promote the type of misconduct that override any educational process.

In this paper we start from the idea that if we comply fully with the functions delegated to educational agencies in the training of students, and of which we are largely responsible, it is necessary among other things, modifying traditional practices assessment, establishing in its place, most effective ways that transcend the old idea of ​​accreditation.

To achieve this, we must first be aware of the difference between accreditation and evaluation, according to Diaz Barriga (1998:74), the first of these has to do with a verification process on the degree to which there were the criteria stipulated in the curriculum, from which it is considered, reflecting the level of information acquired by the students, and to which we would add, are translated into quantitative terms by a rating. While the assessment in its broadest sense is defined as an activity to make value judgments about the teaching process and results in quantitative and qualitative (Bellido and Gonzalez, 2009). Currently, there are several functions that have been granted to the assessment of learning, Gimeno (1992), states the following:

1) Definition of educational and social meanings as educational achievement, school success and failure, good and bad student, teaching quality, school progress, good and bad teacher, good and bad school.

2) Social: accreditation and certification of students

3) School organization, defines the access to different grade levels

4) Control is a means to exercise authority

5) psychological projection: the concept car models and influences aspects such as attitude toward study, generalized anxiety, stress of conflict, pathological features, management of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation

6) Support for research regarding the quality of teaching, kindness in teaching methods, finding success and failure rates, validity of the curriculum

7) Educational: Creator of the school environment, diagnosis, individualization, learning reinforcement, guidance, weighting the curriculum and professional socialization.

As can be seen, the evaluation is a complex process that has implications both inside and outside the classroom and involves all its members, so, we must understand that this is placed over the accreditation systems.

However, in relation to its educational function, we emphasize the relevance of the educational process, that is, we agree with the idea that, from the information obtained, both teachers and students can come to understand the elements positively and negatively affect learning, and therefore take action to optimize the process of teaching and learning. From this perspective, the evaluation and feedback system provides real benefits to its members directing them what to do to achieve better academic achievement.

At present students in this way the objectives of the evaluation, not just as is done the traditional way, we would achieve a new attitude towards this process, and what is even more important, significantly change the task of learners, as Now, their efforts would be aimed at learning the content embodied in the curriculum and thus achieve accreditation of matter. Remember what point Benito Cruz (2005:87), when they indicate the need to move from the traditional approach to assessing what is most rewarding, one that focuses not on the assessment of learning, but, in the evaluation for learning. And he continued the evaluation determines what and how to learn, hence according to the way they raise the assessment to students, it will be achieved learning outcomes and not others.

To this end it is necessary to implement evaluations involving students, because from this perspective, students are perceived as ultimately responsible for their learning, therefore should be provided for the information needed to make them aware about their performance and and to discover what they lack to do.

Before concluding, we note, that in no way intend to downplay the accreditation systems, since after all, a social function, but only, point out that assessments must acquire a new identity in the classroom, in order to achieve real academic achievement by students, which means necessarily abandon the old idea of ​​evaluation as synonymous with accreditation. To do so increasingly we will be close to achieving the objectives for which they were designed educational bodies and fulfill our role as teachers.


Bellido, C. Gonzalez, M. (2009). Significance of assessment of learning. In C. Bellido (Ed.), Assessment of learning (pp.1-15). UNAM Faculty of Superior Studies Zaragoza.

Benito, A. and Cruz, A. (2005). New keys for university teaching: In the European Higher Education space. Madrid: Narcea.

Gimeno, S. (1992). The assessment in teaching. In S. Gimeno and G. Perez (Eds.), Understanding and transform teaching (pp.334-397). Madrid: Morata.

Diaz Barriga, A. (1998). Teaching and curriculum. Paid: Mexico.



Because Conquest Of Beautiful Women Internet, Social Networking, On Line

Secrets to seduce beautiful women on the internet, social networks.

I've been sitting here at my computer checking statistics on traffic to Facebook, and it's awesome!

500 million users!

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, the average user has 130 friends now, I've also been reviewing the statistics of dating websites online in Latin America and the numbers are also amazing, this industry has already surpassed the Internet porn.

Women account for 47.6% of the public, men over 50% of users on these sites annually spending over 236 dollars in subscriptions to these sites.

Needless to say, but anyway I will. Social Networks and Dating Web Sites Online, are today a GOLD MINE! To learn, to seduce and attract women without having to spend money in bars, clubs, nightclubs, drinks and other unnecessary expenses so that the end of the night back home with empty hands and pockets and have to end up sleeping alone again .

Today it is more than necessary to have an account on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to keep up and "touch" with friends and family. Now if you want to meet someone, or are looking for a new relationship, dating websites online are the new battle to find a mate or just find a new relationship.

But: You really know how to get the most out of Web sites online dating and social networking to meet and seduce women?

I think the answer is NO!

If you say that there is no science to open a Facebook account, or register and pay a subscription to a web site online dating.

"If it's all done, right? For that Web sites are online dating, to make" appointments "and matching"

Yes, obviously, but did you know you're losing your money and your time because you do not know how to get the most out of 47.6% of women connected to these sites?.

I would bet my head that 47.6% of women connected to these sites do not get to meet even the 0.5% if you get to do that you are an expert and know the secrets and tricks I've learned to attract and seduce any woman I want from my user profile, and do not need to read this.

And chances are that it is not.

Now, to seduce women on the Internet, do not use the same strategies used in real life, there are no "Approach Anxiety about" nor do you have apart from other men to draw the attention of women.

But if you take a false step, a phrase that bad, inappropriate picture, or writing shows a lack of self esteem or low self-worth ... THESE LOST!

End! Is finished!, There goes! No woman to approach or be interested in you or in your user profile, you're finished, and in real life things are a bit more complex.

So do not leave everything to chance and luck, they let things flow and let life takes them as he wants are the losers, and I know from the depths of my being, that you are not no loser and wholeheartedly want to improve your personal life, love and sexuality, and why not do it from the comfort of your home without spending money and valuable energy?.

But you have to do well and know how to do it! The difference lies in the secrets of internet and social networks to apply correctametne and able to attract the most beautiful women you've Inmagine ... .. We are lining up to ask you out.

Decorating Ideas for Baby Rooms

By the third trimester of pregnancy is a good time to start collecting ideas for decorating baby rooms, so to shuffle multiple options before choosing a color or a specific topic. Knowing the sex of the baby will help a lot in choosing the theme for the decor of your room, but today the criteria allow mixtures. For example, the theme of Winnie the Pooh is used for both boys and girls. The same applies to the subject of bears, animals, gardens, sky, and others. Only distinguishes the room when the topic is timely as in the case of Snow White, Toy Story, Barbie, and others for which you can find a complete set of the subject, ie, sheets, blanket, quilt, furniture , tables, curtains, valances, etc., all has been done. But in the case of decoration and ideas for decorating baby rooms, can cross borders.

The colors of the room increasingly forego the traditional blue for boys and pink for girls. Today, many families opt for beige, light yellow, and even lilac. There are pictures for all tastes, loud or soft tones. For smaller home, we recommend the softer colors convey them quiet.

Illumination of the baby's room

The ideas for decorating baby rooms can also be varied with respect to the illumination of the room, although it is advisable basically of two types: one in the center of the ceiling, and another in the form of a crescent of walls of the room. The latter can be used in case the baby needs care during the night, without having to be bothered with the strongest light. A dim light can also help your baby to sleep better.

The curtains are necessary to control the entry of natural light during the daytime sleep of the baby. It is recommended that we use are made of materials that do not trap dust. The same advice can apply to the protector of the crib and mattress. Make it a fabric that does not absorb any land and dust.

When you're looking for ideas for decorating baby rooms, you should keep in mind that the simpler the furniture in the room, the better. At first, the baby will need a crib, dresser and changing table. Then, it is desirable to have a chest for toys, activity chair and table for when you start to make their first scribbles, and a sit-run to when playing. The position and layout of the furniture is very important because they will determine the practicality when using them.

As for mattresses, there are four different types of materials and prices. The foam is cheaper, is allergic, but less hygienic. The spring is the second cheapest, and its advantage is that it has two distinct faces: one for the warmer months and one for the colder months. The third type is the coconut fiber. It has better hygiene because it prevents the accumulation of moisture, but is more expensive than the first two. The fourth mattress can cost around 100 euros. Latex is the most hygienic, and the one that best suits your baby's body.

Most importantly, the baby's safety

The environment in which your baby will grow to be warm, pleasant, stimulating and comfortable. But inside the rooms decorating ideas for babies, is the fundamental idea that has to be a space in which the baby is totally secure. Use non-toxic paints, furniture with rounded edges, protective plugs, drawers, doors and windows, radiator covers in addition. Guard well the medicines, ointments, and other materials that the baby can lead to mouth. Avoid glass objects, ceramics, or others who can break and harm the baby. Too careful when protecting it.

Finally, it is very important that the baby's room is not overloaded with things, stuffed animals, and other decorative objects. In the first months, avoid carpets. Many mites and dirt trap, which can cause allergies to the baby. A room full of objects is more difficult to clean, and cleanliness is an important factor in the baby's health. Apart from that, the room should have good ventilation daily.

business directory



After The First Date

The time after the first date can be an emotional experience. The excitement of what to do next can run through the mind of someone. These emotions are even more evident if the output was a success. However, this is a time to slow down and calmly. The last thing you want to do is scare your potential bride - groom!

There are many singles / as excited and with a desire to reach the telephone at the earliest opportunity. Knowing someone is a process that is achieved in just a few days (let alone just a date!) Is a process that takes time. The relationship needs space to breathe. A day or two after the first date is a perfect time to gather thoughts, and as they say, "It takes the heart grow fonder."

When you remember the first phone call to stay relaxed but if your interest in showing that that person is still intact, with desire to know more .. Try to have an idea of ​​how that person's appointment. If given the opportunity not a bad idea to remember and convey the fun and important it was that out for you, and see what kind of response you get. If it is a positive you have the option of talking about the next exit, or play a little with the anxiety of waiting and each a little more. Maybe you call back in a couple of days, or agree to call in the next few days

The next call was on the second date if you have not mentioned in the previous talk. Arrange a quiet place to date so you can still talk comfortably, and get to know a little more.

As the meetings progress, the addition of the fun that they can carry two people. An activity for the first time as bowling can create some humor. Learn to laugh together is a pleasant emotion and romantic.

The whole period "post" first date can be an exciting and emotional. Remember to relax, play very soft, and not come across as love, and everything should work smoothly.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Virtual Education: A Choice Of Overcoming

Much has been said about the effectiveness of technology in teaching, especially when it comes to being a virtual student. Some believe that the pattern of face to face is the most functional, however, there are those who see the future of online education academic training at a distance.

If your dream is to perform a study at a prestigious university, but you do not have the financial resources to pay for your stay in the country of the institution, your best option is, in short, virtual education.

According to UNESCO (1998), virtual education is defined as "learning environments that make up a whole new way, in relation to educational technology ... a computer program - interactive educational character that has an integrated communication skills. They are an innovation relatively recent product of the convergence of computer and telecommunication technologies has intensified over the past ten years. "

Distance education is an educational method in which students do not need to physically attend any classroom. Normally, the student is sent by mail the study materials (texts, videos, audio tapes, CD-Rom) and it returns the exercises solved. Today, it is also used email and other Internet facilities, such as blogs, virtual classrooms primarily as the LMS Moodle (Online Education). Developed learning new communication technologies is called e-learning. In some cases, students should or can go physically at certain times to receive tutoring, or for further tests. Virtual education is advancing by leaps and bounds. You not only offer courses, specializations, postgraduate (masters, doctorates, etc.). But now found home runs in this mode.

This type of study is used by thousands of students from remote areas who otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue a career. It allows us, through a PC with internet connection (that of our home, office, internet cafe, etc.), Access to courses, homework, tests, communicate with our colleagues and mentors, download the material from the different materials without having to physically attend the university and especially if you are of those who need or prefer flexible schedules, avoiding transport you from one place to another and learn at your own pace, your time managing it as you appropriate, this is the way to study. This flexibility is often limited hours in certain courses that require participation online at specific times or places.

For a virtual student, the absence of a classroom, colleagues and board is not an obstacle to communication: written communication is strong and is comfortable to express themselves. It is also capable of self-motivated and self-discipline, it does not need someone who continually criticize or praise to proceed, you must be responsible and have a serious commitment to their hunger for knowledge. The effort is not less than classroom education: it takes a lot of concentration because, not being in the classroom, the distractions are many, from coffee to television, from a pet to the temptation to surf freely on the Internet.

On the other hand, the virtual tutor is a facilitator, not an authoritarian teacher. No watches, but guide. For this reason, reflection is an essential part of the learning process. The virtual student success depends simply align your study style and personality with the demands of the curriculum.

The programs can be offered through the network are:

• Adult High School

• Bachelor

• English Courses

• Computer training

• Seminars

• Mock test ICFES

The main advantages of this type of learning are many: first of all, not having to leave home and have the opportunity to study in a wide range of institutions around the world that offer this service. In addition, it improves the educational and professional qualifications of the adult population. Another advantage is the flexibility of the system also facilitates the organization of the student's personal time, respecting the family and his job with flexible hours without the need to have a rigid class schedule. Being a virtual student is also much less expensive to be face: to study abroad means living expenses, food, etc.., Costs not be covered in a virtual program.

Its disadvantages relate to the distrust generated by the lack of communication between the teacher and students, especially in the learning process and academic assessment of students. On the other hand, active intervention is required of the guardian to avoid the potential isolation that can perceive the student studying in this mode, was eliminated in the presence of social interaction.

Generally the change to a distance education system requires a specific adaptation to students, must learn to use specific materials and virtual classrooms, to communicate with their teachers and other students through media and must be able organize their study time to balance their personal, professional and academic. Thus the teacher's work as a tutor that accompanies the learning process is essential.

Besides these there are other specific disadvantages inherent nature of the various fields. That is the case of language classes, where despite having seen a remarkable technological evolution has made it a more effective teaching and engaging to the student, is still far to transmit all the nonverbal information that surrounds the act speaking and forms an indispensable part of it.

Here I share a list of the main institutions that provide the services of this type of education in some Latin American countries:


• Military Technical Academy of the Army of Chile

• Catholic University of Chile

• Catholic University of Valparaíso

• Catholic University of North

• University of Antofagasta

• University of Chile

• Universidad de la Frontera

• University of Playa Ancha

• Valparaiso University

• University of Bío-Bío



• Distance Learning Center of Colombia CECADI

• Virtual School XXI Century

• Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

• Autonomous University of Bucaramanga

• Autonomous University of Manizales

• Catholic University of Manizales

• Universidad del Valle

• University of Tolima

• University EAFIT

• New Granada Military University

• National Open University and Distance UNAD

• Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

• St. Bonaventure University

• University of Santander


• Distance Learning Center of Costa Rica CECADI


• Universidad Interamericana de Costa Rica

• University of Science and Technology

• University for International Cooperation


• Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment CITMATEL

• University of Havana

• University East


• Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

• Army Polytechnic School

• Catholic University of Ecuador Ambato Headquarters

• University of San Francisco de Quito

• Technical University of Loja


• Technological University of El Salvador


• Medicom Ciberteca

• Open Learning Institute ISEA

• Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

• Universidad Rafael Landivar


• Central University of Technology UNITEC

In conclusion, I say that this type of study is not for those who do not have technological skills because the best partner for its realization is the computer. Nor is it for those that are not considered able to commit much of their time to their studies, or for students who require the supervision of a teacher to fulfill their responsibilities.

So if you want to advance some of your college and have no resources or time to do it, try to distance education.

How to talk to a woman to conquer - The Power of Words

The language you use to conquer a woman must be very clear, simple, without folds, you show as honest as possible, because no woman likes a man lying, inventing anything just to conquer a woman.

Look into his eyes with a big smile and invite her to sit, then you can start a conversation appropriate to the time and place where you are. All this in order to send positive signals to your person, your mind is a guy full of optimism and humor, she knows he can spend some time with you. That if you manifest very interested in talking with this woman.

How do you talk to a woman to conquer? You can start a conversation on general topics, giving her opportunity to participate.

From this conversation you can achieve a better understanding of her personality, culture, interests, desires, aspirations. A song that gives many results is to talk about mutual friends, where they met, what they like and all she realizes that she's sharing your greatest interest.

Music is a subject that always works, because it has a double profit, gives you a topic of conversation but also know what you like to send a CD or bring a serenade. If you like movies and have knowledge of movies, actors and actresses, you can let him know everything interesting about this subject and that it can be invited to watch a good movie that will give you a new opportunity for another exit.

If you know the signs of the zodiac and if you can not study them, you can ask about your date of birth and zodiac sign say what suits her and speak with knowledge of the subject of the main characteristics of the sign and so know better. In short, any topic of conversation is valid whenever the liking of both. The important thing is that she wants to talk to you again, for the pleasant conversation they had.

For a series of proven tactics to seduce a woman using persuasion techniques well known, just click here.

How to Get My Wife? 3 infallible technique

How to get my wife? It should be the question you're doing 24 hours a day, if your marriage has recently derrumado.

Well, friend, you came to the right place ... Here you'll learn how you can get your wife step by step. In which failed, and how to avoid falling into the same mistakes again.

The breakup is terrible, and more from a broken marriage, a union that is supposed to last a lifetime.

Both for you, you are a man, and for women, one of the most terrible things that can happen is to lose your partner, that person with whom we have decided to spend the rest of our lives.

Suddenly everything falls apart and your wife is gone.

This kind of breaks you can cause different types of depression, anxiety, shock states, decentralized, low performance at work, and in some cases worse consequences.

If you keep asking how to get my wife? I will give you some techniques that in most cases not fail:

1) If you ended the relationship recently (between 2 and 6 weeks) the main technique that I recommend and that many of my readers has brought excellent results in the future, is to get away completely.

Yes, if you want to get your wife, you have to step aside, at least for these first weeks

2) The key is what you do in these weeks of departure, my friend, total distance ... NOTHING social networking, chat, phone calls, much less visits, no nothing.

In this period you should strive to improve in every aspect of your life and not deteriorate as do many (fat, promote sedentary, depressed, poor sleep, etc.. Etc.)

We want you to be able reatraer your wife. So I recommend that you exercise, get distracted, go out with friends, try to sleep well and above all, you feed very well, put aside any kind of junk food.

3) To enhance your confidence you leave? S to worry about what might happen in the future. Life is here and now, and should change only what you can change.

This is a more indirect techniques but bring more results, make positive affirmations every day, but not of things to come ... friend ... what's to come EST? On the way ... your claims must be present. "I'm fine," "I feel good," "I look better than ever," "I am fine and every day I feel better."

There are many more techniques and proven solutions to regain any woman within 30 days.

Advantages of the fans in times of globalization

I thought you might be more instructive to talk about this issue quickly if I start telling family event, to comment about the great benefits of hobbies and interests and our good use of free time.

Some time ago I was visiting a cousin, a Saturday afternoon and found that all members of her family: her husband and two sons aged 13 and 10 were home, but everyone doing different activities:

My cousin was reading a novel, Luis painted some pots, Roxana was listening to music in the room and was cleaning his collection Ricardito carts from different eras. Somewhat surprised to see them all home, but every one who entertained in their own activities. Very subtly, I tried to ask my cousin if this behavior logically recreational family life, it was common or not.

He said that on Saturday afternoon - unless unavoidable situations, trying to engage each to their favorite activities so that spaces giveaways and family satisfaction. Afterward, everyone gathered to share dinner came mostly modern home via delivery and this necessarily, accompanied a coffee prepared at home. That evening just appreciate everything and I could enjoy it with them for dinner.

It seemed that everyone was happier, communicative, and even as if lucieran other faces. I reiterate that my cousin had decided to dedicate the evening of Saturday, his favorite hobbies, as during the other days of the week was difficult to give time to these rewards both individual and group counseling.

Also note that they had good time in this practice and the benefits that it would retain. As will mean, I return home determined to continue thinking, mulling over this idea and then discuss it with my family to get them started, of course, with our peculiarities. I immediately thought of the many things that I do by the thousand reasons, excuses ¨ tell ¨ to achieve it and of course, giving up the satisfaction that I provide, equally to my family. Now, after this reminder, I will refer some of the benefits you can have for you and yours this type of spaces and experiences:

• dedicate some time to practice (a favorite activity) a sport, drawing, writing, or listening to music, reading, playing, cooking, crafts and so on. fully relaxes the whole body, especially the mind and the heart rate.

• The stress levels down to which we are constantly subjected. • Improved mental health, developing different skills in a relaxed manner. • Promotes self-confidence.

• Improved relationships.

• An individual task you focus more.

• Nothing more enjoyable than doing what one likes.

• It improves our moods.

• Produces consequently promotes relaxation humor is important for health. We could go on listing the benefits of these practices, what I want in this case is primarily to encourage you to do it and enjoy better off promoting individual and family enjoyment.

Try to encourage your people to indulge in these and many activities that will develop fully in family.

From this side of the magical mist

Irene Lourdes Bravo Ascue
