Sunday, September 9, 2012

The 2 critical success factors for entrepreneurs

To succeed in business or anything for this drops to 2 critical factors;

Potential and Performance

Constant training and personal development is an essential for anyone serious about being successful, however, important as it is to continually increase your skill set, gives only the first critical element of success - potential.

Your potential is what we are able to achieve with your present state of knowledge and skills, when operating at peak performance.

Performance is where most people fall. There is no doubt about the importance of load with more knowledge to give you more potential, but unfortunately for most of the people involved in the cycle of endless punishment pursue knowledge without focusing increasingly on their performance.

If you have attended many seminars and training courses before and did not improve the results, the performance is the problem. Performance is where the rubber meets the road and while it's all about taking massive action, the basic component left out of most training courses is that needs to take the right action.

I see this common mistake, too many times with the entrepreneurs, are working at full speed with his head down and ass up, with the false belief that as long as they are employed must be making progress, right? WRONG!

Most entrepreneurs spend their days working away on $ 2 a trivial task now instead of $ 1,000 an hour tasks.

Every successful person understands the importance of continuous personal development to stay ahead of the pack ... The missing piece of the puzzle for most people is to realize their potential and how they can overcome the bottlenecks and obstacles as they arise so they can operate without restrictions at full capacity in which he meets the performance potential.

In my time training as a Special Forces Commando was the same combination, in which we constantly trained to further develop our ability to give us an advantage over our competitors on game day, this is the effect of 1% of all focus on elite people who share my seminars.

The big thing I got my special forces soldier was training how to operate at peak performance. Do you think that Australian special forces know a little 'to convince people to operate at peak performance and to achieve incredible things? You bet they do! And I am very grateful for the experience and even more grateful that I have to pass on to budding entrepreneurs to my corporate events.

The great thing for you is that there is no need to go through Special Forces training to arm yourself with the important formula for maximum performance Commando ... Even better for you is that there is no need to wait long to access ... Why? Why The Business Commandos Boot Camp is coming very soon to arm you with everything you need to achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible .......

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