Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sell ​​more! - Stand Out In The Crowd

Hey, to make more money as a sales consultant you must separate yourself from the other guy. Everyone is selling the type of vehicle. So why should customers buy from you? Since the price is better ... I doubt it. Your vehicle is special ... Yes, of course. Your trade-in valuations are higher ... Duh.

Why should they buy from you is a big question when vehicles can be purchased almost around the corner.

To sell more, you have to be in this crowd. Really? I do not mean that you are the highest or shorter or wider. I mean your sales process, create a positive difference to you personally in the mind of the buyer?

Some sales consultants are predictably boring. Blah, blah sales pitch. Pull the plug on this sales approach. And 'death.

What is your mark as a sales consultant? He has to sell?

I'm not talking about the manufacturer's name, I mean your image. You will sell more if you work on yourself that separates you from a competitor sellers. You do not have them, why they behave like them?

AUTOMOTIVATOR The Keys to Successful Branding.

1. Take your product to your vehicle.

You have to focus on your sales process to be different and better than the other by Guy-more-more-FUN to be more informed, more skilled, more useful to customers in times of need that the other boy or girl.

Become the expert. People buy know-how. Customers respond to the jurisdiction and are rejected by the inadequacy or mediocrity.

2. You brand yourself by treating yourself as a businessman, not a seller.

You are in business for self. As a recipient of a commission-based is self-employed. Nobody is paying the mortgage or put food on the table of the family.

So, treat yourself like a business person you are. Become the most qualified sales your client will never satisfy the purchase of a vehicle. Your attitude will raise above the competition in the mind of your customer. Stand out as the person who will do business with.

This is branding. Get ahead of the pact and the standard of professionalism. If you want to sell the more you stay longer.

Sell ​​with passion - they are bored with most sales presentations.

- Turn on the presentation of the 'sales'. WOW do not take them!

- Guide your first vehicle, with keys to flip this passion-not

- Selling price value in the presentation.

- Give more reasons to buy from your dealer than the competition.

- Go out of your way to impress your clients while they are in the dealership.

- Follow-up better than the competition.


If you can not sell today, then give them the most effective follow-up you will never get anywhere. Being a leader in the follow-up to your dealer and lead the pack in sales. The people return to buy from sellers professionals involved enough to keep in touch when they need help in making their decisions.

Brand yourself as the expert who follows-up people. You'll gain professional stature in the mind of the buyer. You will sell more. You will be spoken by your customers as a positive influence in their decision making. (Trackstar is the professional's choice for follow-up. Http :/ / www.Trackstar.ca)

Do not be mediocre, to be the best.

Do not do anything once and expect results. The results are the busy professional who is constantly the steps that are required for success.

Improving the sales process - and 'your brand.

It will be recognized as the best. This is what selling is all about. Make money and have fun!

Have a great day of sales! Dave.

Dealers and Sales Manager - maybe I can help ... I train with the best dealers selling process in our business today. At least that is what my clients say. My brand Automotivator is "Improving the shopping experience in the showrooms of the nation." This is what the brand stands for-Automotivator better buying experience and sales for my retailers. Check it out http://www.Automotivator.com

I can help design and implement a process of purchase to your dealer who will be your consultants as the best selling brand in our industry. Your sales consultants will make more money and keep more customers and get more referrals. Call, 1-800-668-0362 or e-mail dave@Automotivator.com ......

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